tell application "Safari"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Safari"
keystroke "ac" using {command down}
end tell
end tell
tell current application to set textclip to (the clipboard)
set theUrl to (get URL of document 1)
end tell
set the clipboard to (the clipboard as Unicode text)
end try
set dat to (do shell script "date '+%m/%d/%y' | sed -e 's/000$//' -e 's/^0//'") as string
tell application "BBEdit"
make new document
set text of front document to (dat & return & return & (theUrl) & return & return & textclip & return)
select insertion point 1 of contents of front document
select text 1 of text window 1
straighten quotes selection of text window 1 with replacing target
select insertion point 1 of contents of front document
end tell
Why are you converting the clipboard's contents to Unicode and insert the original contents in the created document ?