But maybe the problem is that you didn't described it completely.
We may set the value of a cell in a table which isn‘t visible but we can't apply GUI Scripting to such a table.
Alas, there is no function allowing us to select a table.
To do that, I built two awful handlers (Nigel GARVEY helped a lot).
==== Uses GUIscripting ====
on selectSheet(theDoc, theSheet)
script myScript
property listeObjets : {}
local maybe, targetSheetRow
-- set log_report to "point 2 : " & (current date) & return
tell application "Numbers"
set theDoc to name of document theDoc (* useful if the passed value is a number *)
tell document theDoc to set my listeObjets to name of sheets
end tell -- "Numbers"…
set maybe to theSheet is in my listeObjets
set my listeObjets to {} -- So it will not be saved in the script *)
if not maybe then
if my parleAnglais() then
error "The sheet “" & theSheet & "” is unavailable in the spreadsheet “" & theDoc & "” !"
error "La feuille « " & theSheet & " » n’existe pas dans le tableur « " & theDoc & " » ! "
end if -- my parleAnglais
end if -- not maybe
set maybe to 5 > (system attribute "sys2")
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Numbers"
tell outline 1 of scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window theDoc
if maybe then (* macOS X 10.4.x
'(value of attributes contains 0)': '(value of attribute "AXDisclosureLevel" is 0)' sometimes works in Tiger, sometimes not.
The only possible instances of 0 amongst the attributes are the disclosure level of a sheet row and the index of the first row, which represents a sheet anyway.
Another possibility is '(value of attribute -1 is 0)', which makes me uneasy. *)
set targetSheetRow to first row where ((value of attributes contains 0) and (value of first static text is theSheet))
else (* macOS X 10.5.x or higher *)
set targetSheetRow to first row where ((value of attribute "AXDisclosureLevel" is 0) and ((groups is {}) and (value of first static text is theSheet)) or (value of first group's first static text is theSheet))
end if -- maybe…
Handler modified to accomodate sheets requiring a lot of time to get the focus
tell targetSheetRow to set value of attribute "AXSelected" to true
set cnt to 0
repeat (*
Must way that Numbers becomes ready to receive the value *)
tell targetSheetRow to set value of attribute "AXDisclosing" to true
exit repeat
on error
set cnt to cnt + 1
delay 0.5 -- half a second
end try
end repeat
end tell -- outline…
end tell -- "System Events"…
-- set log_report to log_report & "point 3, cnt = " & cnt & return & (current date) & return
tell application "Numbers" to tell document theDoc to tell sheet theSheet to tell table 1
with timeout of 20 * 60 seconds (*
WITH this setting, the script will be able to wait 20 minutes for the asked value.
I hope that the document will not be so huge that this delay prove to be too short. *)
value of cell "A1"
end timeout
end tell -- "Numbers"…
-- set log_report to log_report & "point 4 : " & (current date) & return
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Numbers" (*
Do the trick one more time to be sure that the sheet is open *)
tell targetSheetRow to set value of attribute "AXDisclosing" to true
end tell -- "System Events"…
-- return log_report & "point 5 : " & (current date) & return
End of the modified piece of code
end script
run myScript
end selectSheet
on selectTable(theDoc, theSheet, theTable)
local maybe, targetSheetRow, rowIndex, r
tell application "Numbers"
set theDoc to name of document theDoc (* useful if the passed value is a number. Checks also that we passed the name of an open doc *)
end tell -- Numbers
on error
if my parleAnglais() then
error "The spreadsheet “" & theDoc & "” is not open !"
error "Le tableur « " & theDoc & " » n’est pas ouvert ! "
end if -- my parleAnglais
end try
tell application "Numbers" to tell document theDoc
set theSheet to name of sheet theSheet (* useful if the passed value is a number and check the availability of theSheet if it’s a string *)
end tell -- Numbers
on error
if my parleAnglais() then
error "The sheet “" & theSheet & "” is unavailable in the spreadsheet “" & theDoc & "” !"
error "La feuille « " & theSheet & " » n’existe pas dans le tableur « " & theDoc & " » ! "
end if -- my parleAnglais
end try
tell application "Numbers" to tell document theDoc to tell sheet theSheet
set theTable to name of table theTable (* useful if the passed value is a number and check the availability of theSheet if it’s a string *)
end tell -- Numbers
on error
if my parleAnglais() then
error "The table “" & theTable & "” is unavailable in the sheet “" & theSheet & "” of the spreadsheet “" & d & "” !"
error "La table « " & theTable & " » n’existe pas dans la feuille « " & theSheet & " » du tableur « " & d & " » ! "
end if -- my parleAnglais
end try
set maybe to 5 > (system attribute "sys2")
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Numbers"
tell outline 1 of scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window theDoc
if maybe then (* macOS X 10.4.x
'(value of attributes contains 0)': '(value of attribute "AXDisclosureLevel" is 0)' sometimes works in Tiger, sometimes not.
The only possible instances of 0 amongst the attributes are the disclosure level of a sheet row and the index of the first row, which represents a sheet anyway.
Another possibility is '(value of attribute -1 is 0)', which makes me uneasy. *)
set targetSheetRow to first row where ((value of attributes contains 0) and (value of first static text is theSheet))
else (* macOS X 10.5.x or higher *)
set targetSheetRow to first row where ((value of attribute "AXDisclosureLevel" is 0) and ((groups is {}) and (value of first static text is theSheet)) or (value of first group's first static text is theSheet))
end if -- maybe
tell targetSheetRow to set {value of attribute "AXSelected", value of attribute "AXDisclosing"} to {true, true}
-- Get the sheet row's 0-based index + 2 for the following row's 1-based index.
set r to (value of attribute "AXIndex" of targetSheetRow) + 2
repeat until (value of first static text of row r is theTable)
set r to r + 1
end repeat
set value of attribute "AXSelected" of row r to true
end tell -- outline 1 …
end tell -- System Events
end selectTable