Hey Shane,
On Feb 09, 2012, at 16:15, Shane Stanley wrote:
That's much better, but you left out the "as alias" after set contents of i to (folderAlias & contents of i).
Hmm. You're right. I think I did that intentionally to allow choice in how to process the string, but I forgot to rename the variables. (Not sure; I've slept since then.)
And when you put it in, you get an error if any filename contains a slash. So I'd use:
set itemList to (do shell script "ls -tr " & posixFolderQuoted & " | tr ':' '/'")
Sure enough. Well, we might as well use the shell a bit more:
on listFolderByModDate(folderAlias, returnAliasList)
set posixFolder to POSIX path of folderAlias
set posixFolderQuoted to quoted form of posixFolder
set hfsPathList to (do shell script "ls -tr " & posixFolderQuoted & " | sed \"s|:|/|g;s|^|" & (folderAlias as string) & "|\"")
if returnAliasList = true then
set aliasList to (paragraphs of hfsPathList)
repeat with i in aliasList
set theItem to contents of i
set (contents of i) to (alias theItem)
end repeat
return aliasList
return hfsPathList
end if
end listFolderByModDate
tell application "Finder"
set folderAlias to target of front window as alias
end tell
set sortedItemList to listFolderByModDate(folderAlias, true)
on error eMsg number eNum
set {c, s} to {return, "------------------------------------------"}
set e to s & c & "Error: " & eMsg & c & s & c & "Error_Num: " & eNum & c & s
display dialog e
end try
This runs in ~ 0.6 seconds on a 1600 item folder on my machine when converting to aliases.
When returning HFS paths it runs in ~ 0.13 seconds on the same folder.