open v : Open a document.
close v : Close a document.
save v : Save a document.
print settings n
quit v : Quit the application.
count v : Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.
delete v : Delete an object.
duplicate v : Copy an object.
exists v : Verify that an object exists.
make v : Create a new object.
move v : Move an object to a new location.
application n [see also Skim Suite] : The application's top level scripting object.
document n [see also Skim Suite] : A document.
window n [see also Skim Suite] : A window.
Text Suite A set of basic classes for text processing.
RGBA color n
rich text n, pl rich text : Rich (styled) text
character n : This subdivides the text into characters.
paragraph n : This subdivides the text into paragraphs.
word n : This subdivides the text into words.
attribute run n : This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes.
attachment n [inh. rich text] : Represents an inline text attachment. This class is used mainly for make commands.
Skim Suite Skim specific commands and classes for dealing with PDF.
revert v : Revert a document. Don't use this when you have turned on the auto-relead functionality.
select v : Select text in a document.
go v : Go to a location.
convert notes v : Convert in a document PDF annotations to Skim notes.
read notes v : Read notes from a Skim document and ad them to the PDF document.
find v : Find text in a document.
join v : Join selection(s).
show TeX file v : Show the LaTeX source file.
get bounds for v : Get the bounds of a page, note, or selection. syn bounds for
get text for v : Get the text of a document, page, note, selection, or raw RTF data. syn text for
get index for v : Get the index of a document, page, note, or selection. syn index for
get pages for v : Get the pages of a document, page, note, or selection. syn pages for
grab v : Grab a picture from a page.
format v : Format an object using a template.
application n [see also Standard Suite] : Skim's top level scripting object.
document n [see also Standard Suite] : A Skim document.
window n [see also Standard Suite] : A window.
page n : A page.
note n : A note.
bookmark n : A bookmark.
download n : A download.
point list n : A list of points.
TeX line n : A line in a TeX source document.
PDF view settings n
document attributes n
note colors n
note line widths n
note line styles n
note dash patterns n
note font names n
note font sizes n
TIFF picture n
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Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 14 octobre 2012 21:55:27