property MainMailbox : "s iosdf asödf ,asdf."
property MainSubject : "sdf lasdkf asdlfkasdflk "
property MessageBody : "asd lkfasdfpäoaädö flsdf sadlfasdf ölasdfalksdf sdfköj asdflk asdfopapäe asödf asldkf asd asödf asdföäasöädfasdf"
property OriginatorFrom : "sdfl ksdf asldkfasldfkasldfk"
with timeout of 10000 seconds
repeat 10000 times
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
go to layout "all Fields Mail"
set myNewRecord to (create new record with data {MainMailbox, MainSubject, MessageBody, OriginatorFrom})
end tell
end repeat
end timeout
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? This problem occurs for both Filemaker 11 and 12. The memory in Filemaker is not reclaimed as it should be when a garbage collector runs. Have tried this, too, by adding a delay of 2 seconds after 10 records.
I'm also open to alternative solutions. Except ODBC which is a PITA to set up.