I just have the trial version and the script recognize it when it's running.
I applied it with two versions of Numbers running.
--set appName to "TextEdit"
-- set appName to "FileMaker Pro"
set appName to "Numbers"
if appIsRunning(appName) then
display dialog "Running"
display dialog "Not Running"
end if
tell application "System Events"
count (every process whose name is "Numbers")
--> 2
file of every process whose name is "Numbers"
--> {alias "Macintosh HD:Applications:iWork '09:Numbers.app:", alias "Numbers09English:Numbers09English.app:"}
bundle identifier of every process whose name is "Numbers"
--> {"com.apple.iWork.Numbers", "com.apple.iWork.Numbers09English"}
end tell
on appIsRunning(appName)
tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains appName
end appIsRunning