I am able to get the properties of every documents but can't get other datas.
tell application "iBooks Author"
count every window
--> 0
properties of window 1
--> error number -1719 from window 1
end try
name of document 1
--> "maybe.iba"
tell document result
properties of text
on error errMsg number errNbr
log errNbr & " , " & errMsg
(*-1728, , , Il est impossible d’obtenir properties of text.*)
end try
end tell
end tell
tell application "Pages"
count every window
--> 1
properties of window 1
--> {document:document id 11711747, closeable:true, zoomable:true, thumbnails visible:false, zoomed:false, floating:false, styles visible:true, ruler visible:true, class:window, modal:false, two up:false, bounds:{1310, 745, 1996, 1798}, toolbar visible:true, id:326, visible:true, index:1, full screen:false, miniaturizable:true, name:"Danielle Messia.pages", fit width:false, resizable:true, miniaturized:false, outline visible:false, view scale:110.0, titled:true, visible pages:{page 7 of document id 11711747, page 8 of document id 11711747}, fit page:false}
tell document 1
--> "Danielle Messia.pages"
properties of text
on error errMsg number errNbr
log errNbr & " , " & errMsg
(*-1728, , , Il est impossible d’obtenir properties of text.*)
end try
properties of body text
(* {text indent:0.0, collapsed:false, underline color:missing value, strikethrough color:missing value, paragraph style:paragraph style "le corps" of document id 11711747, color:{0, 0, 0}, number label tiered:false, class:Unicode text, prevent widows and orphans:true, subscript:false, character style:missing value, list style:list style "Aucun" of document id 11711747, superscript:false, label type:none, space before:0.0, remove hyphenation:false, line spacing:1.0, baseline shift:0.0, shadow:false, label indent:0.0, contents:"De la main gauche
Je t´écris de la main gauche
Celle qui n´a jamais parlé
Elle hésite, est si gauche
Que je l´ai toujours cachée
properties of every paragraph of body text
properties of text box 1
properties of every character of object text of text box 1
end tell
end tell