Hi Dee Dee
Interesting problem, but can you clarify? Are you looking for a way to find any applications that are not responding and to force-quit them, or are you looking for a way to query a *particular* application (whose name you know in advance) to see whether it’s hung and quit it if so?
These are two very different problems, both of them difficult to my mind (thought the second is probably easier), and which I think AS could only handle by proxy through the Shell.
If you have Xcode and CommandLineTools installed you might be able to use tools like iProfiler and Instruments. You could also possibly query a sysdiagnose report. The command spindump run from Terminal will also give you a report on processes (see the man pages for more info on both of those); in neither case am I sure what you’d want to grep for, off the top of my head.
Part of the problem with developing an answer to this is you'd need to be able to create a non-responding process at will to see what kind of behaviours could be detected and to test. That in itself is something I’m not sure how to do (though I suspect there must be an easy way) - if anyone has any ideas I’m willing to give it a go. Like I said, interesting problem.