set appFlag to false
tell application "Finder"
set _file to selection as alias list
if _file ≠ {} then
set _file to first item of _file
if _file's kind contains "application" then
set appFlag to true
end if
end if
end tell
set _plist to (_file as text) & "Contents:Info.plist"
if appFlag then
set _plist to alias _plist
on error
error "No Info.plist File Exists!"
end try
set plist_Doc to PlistOpen _plist
set _name to PlistGet plist_Doc key "CFBundleName"
set _version to PlistGet plist_Doc key "CFBundleShortVersionString"
set _build to PlistGet plist_Doc key "CFBundleVersion"
set var_Key_Names to PlistGetKeys plist_Doc
set var_Key_Values to PlistGet plist_Doc key var_Key_Names
PlistClose plist_Doc
end if
{_name, _version, _build}, ¬
var_Key_Names, ¬
var_Key_Values ¬