While I’m on, here’s another ‘move’ script I have that people might find useful, as you can’t do this natively in OS X:
WHAT'S IT FOR? I use this script to move things quickly from the desktop. Create a hotkey for it (I use FastScripts for this, but you can do it via 'Services' menu), then select file/s you want to move, hit the hotkey and use the Finder tree to pick the destination. *) --start tell application "Finder" try get selection if selection is not equal to {} then move selection to (choose folder) else display dialog "Nothing selected to move!" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with icon 2 end if on error set selection to {} end try end tell --eof
I'm not searching a way to move files. As I'm not completely ignorant, I know that move thru the Finder may be used. I hate this application so I do my best to work without it. I know that do shell sript "mv "& quoted form of POSIX path of the_file_which_must_be_moved & space & quoted form of POSIX path of the_destination_folder may do the trick and I use it daily. I know that ASObjC Runner offer an instruction able to move a file.
Here, the problem is : does System Events behaves according to what is stated in its AppleScript dictionary ? Clearly it doesn’t so the next question is :
is it a bug or is it just a typo in the dictionary ?
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 24 novembre 2013 13:59:35