Let's further assume you find using "run script" inside a Finder tell block to make a list somewhat, well, distasteful ;-) What could you do? Save this in an ASObjC library:
use framework "Foundation"
on makeListsFrom:desktopPositionList
set theScanner to current application's NSScanner's scannerWithString:desktopPositionList -- make scanner
set theNames to {} -- to store results
set thePositions to {} -- to store results
set whiteSpace to current application's NSCharacterSet's whitespaceCharacterSet() -- make character set for trimming
set {theResult, aName} to theScanner's scanUpToString:" {" intoString:(reference) -- get name
if theResult as integer = 0 then exit repeat -- result of 0 menas none found
set end of theNames to (aName's stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:whiteSpace) as text -- add trimmed name to list
theScanner's scanString:"{" intoString:(missing value) -- scan past {
set {theResult, aNum} to theScanner's scanInt:(reference) -- scan an integer
theScanner's scanString:"," intoString:(missing value) -- scan past ,
set {theResult, anotherNum} to theScanner's scanInt:(reference) -- scan an integer
set end of thePositions to {aNum as integer, anotherNum as integer} -- add position to list
theScanner's scanString:"}" intoString:(missing value) -- scan past }
end repeat
return {theNames, thePositions} as list
end makeListsFrom:
And call it like this:
use theLib : script "<name of lib here>"
set desktopPositionList to "
Catch All {45, 62}
Saved Fldrs 08-07 222831 {871, 64}
set {theNames, thePositions} to theLib's makeListsFrom:desktopPositionList