Did some of you ran such a simple instruction under 10.9 ?
(path to applications folder)
Here the log report is :
tell current application path to At Ease applications folder --> alias "Macintosh HD:Applications:" end tell
I never saw the "At Ease" component in the executed instruction.
I tried the new syntax :
use scripting additions (path to applications folder)
and got
tell current application path to At Ease applications folder --> alias "Macintosh HD:Applications:" end tell
------------------------------------------------------------ As the game seems interesting we continue with:
tell application "TextEdit" (path to applications folder) end tell
which return
tell application "TextEdit" path to At Ease applications folder --> error number -1708 «event ascrgdut» --> error number -1708 path to At Ease applications folder --> alias "Macintosh HD:Applications:" end tell
one more test with:
tell application "Finder" (path to applications folder) end tell
here is the log at 2nd run:
tell application "Finder" path to At Ease applications folder --> alias "Macintosh HD:Applications:" end tell
I got the two errors at first run but I failed to copy the log report.
one more time :
tell application "System Events" (path to applications folder) end tell
Bingo, this one give the good old behavior :
tell application "System Events" path to applications folder --> error number -1708 «event ascrgdut» --> error number -1708 path to applications folder --> alias "Macintosh HD:Applications:" end tell
which become :
tell application "System Events" path to applications folder --> alias "Macintosh HD:Applications:" end tell
at 2nd and higher calls.
Is one of you (maybe more) able to explain what appears to the old ape as an odd behavior ?
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 27 octobre 2013 14:09:35