The dictionary of the new version Pages 5.2 offer a lot of new items. ( same additions in Numbers 3./2)
Alas I don't find the way to use them.
make new iWork container refuse to compile It stops with the word [container] highlighted.
make new iWork item with properties{position: {50,50}} refuse to compile It stops with the word [item] highlighted.
make new shape doesn't allow us to define which kind of shape must be created
make new chart doesn't offer the ability to define the kind of chart and the datas to chart
make new line allow to define the start point, the end point but no way to define the line width
make new text item with properties {object text:"azertyuiop"} fails with : error "Erreur dans Pages : Il est impossible de créer la classe text item." number -2710 from text item to class
I tried to defined a complete set of properties for a text item.
background fill type is refused background fill is refused background is treated as a variable name
reflection showing is refused reflection is treated as a variable name
reflection value is refused reflexion is treated as a variable name
So, i decided to stay with Pages 4.3
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 2 avril 2014 11:02:16