on run
set plistInfo to (do shell script "diskutil info -plist " & "OS_X")
-- plistInfo is class text in xml format
tell application "System Events"
set infoRecord to value of (make property list item with properties {text:plistInfo})
-- infoRecord is class record
end tell
my inspectRecord(25, infoRecord)
display dialog (item 1 of the result) & " = " & (item 2 of the result)
end run
on inspectRecord(i, aRecord)
tell application "System Events"
set propList to (make new property list item with properties {value:aRecord})
set nameList to (name of property list items of propList)
set itemName to item i of nameList
on error
return {i as text, " item does not exist"}
end try
set itemValue to value of property list item itemName of propList
end tell
return {itemName, itemValue}
end inspectRecord ---------------