On Jul 23, 2014, at 16:29, Bruce Robertson <email@hidden> wrote:And what's the syntax for "entire contents of" in this format? If the folder in question has folders within it? How would this statement be modified:
set myMoviesList to path of files of myMoviesfolder
Hey Bruce,
There is no entire contents of equivalent in System Events, and as you know entire contents of in the Finder is dreadfully slow when dealing with a file/folder group of any size at all.
I believe Shane's library here can be adapted to do the deed:
I thought he'd posted one to specifically return a recursive directory tree, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.
On the other hand if you don't have to contend with any package files 'find' in the shell is quick and flexible.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- set testFolder to quoted form of (POSIX path of (path to movies folder))
set cmdStr to "find " & testFolder & " -type f -iname \"*.mp4\"" set movieList to do shell script cmdStr if movieList ≠ "" then set movieList to paragraphs of movieList end if ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Using -type f to specify files is probably overkill in this case, since it's unlikely that a directory name would end in ".mp4". But what the heck.
-- Best Regards, Chris