I have a sort of generic way of processing a plain text file line-by-line...
set srtFile to (choose file with prompt "Select a file:")
log "srtFile=" & name of (info for srtFile)
set srtFile to open for access srtFile -- I suppose one should use a different variable here
repeat -- once for each line try set srtLine to read srtFile until return -- do something with this line on error errm number errn if errn = -39 then exit repeat -- end of file error errm number errn end try end repeat close access srtFile
However, I'm running into problems:
1. Sometimes, the EOL delimiter is not return, but LF or CR/LF. 2. Sometimes, the encoding can be UTF-8, sometimes UTF-8 with BOM, sometimes UTF-16.
Is there a way for me to tell a priori what are the EOL delimiter and encoding for the file?
I can open the file in Text Wrangler and then test its text document's line breaks and encoding properties. But I thought perhaps there's something in the native Mac/AppleScript world that could do this.
Any suggestions?
--Gil |