Hey Alastair,
You're having some basic problems referencing objects.
And Excel is a trifle odd here and there in how it does things.
For instance activate object in the script below.
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set wkBook to workbook (get name of active workbook)
set wkSheet to worksheet (get name of active sheet) of wkBook
tell wkBook
activate object sheet "Goofy2"
set wkBkWin to item 1 of (get its windows)
tell wkBkWin
set activeCellAddress to get address of active cell
set activeCellStrVal to string value of active cell
end tell
end tell
end tell
As you can see the active cell is a property of the workbook's window not the sheet.
In my opinion you should be able to say: active cell of sheet "Goofy" of worksheet "Disney"
But you can't.
It seems to me that you need to spend a little bit of time with Script Debugger's Object Model view in the Dictionary Viewer.
You might want to look this over too:
You're discovering what makes AppleScript difficult. The vagaries of implementation in applications, and the usual lack of useful examples provided by the vendor.
Now then. It happens that there's a fairly extensive scripting guide for Excel, although it's a decade old.
Best Regards,