Hi all,
This is so basic I'm almost embarrassed to post it, but I'm having problems with a short script to export JPEGs from Illustrator. If for example I had three Illustrator documents open, I'd expect the script below to step through each open document and three JPEGs - one of each document.
Instead, I get the files I expect but the content of each JPEG is from my frontmost document - so three identical JPEGs.
Any suggestions? Have I found a bug or am I having a dumb day?
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set theDocuments to every document
repeat with theDoc in theDocuments
set thePath to (file path of theDoc)
set theAlias to (thePath & ".jpg") as text
set theJPGExportOptions to {class:JPEG export options, antialiasing:false, quality:100, optimization:true}
export theDoc as JPEG to theAlias with options theJPGExportOptions
end repeat
end tell