Standard Additions' choose file, choose folder and choose file name commands are staples of AppleScript, and on the whole they serve us very well. But there are some areas where they come up short, and in such cases AppleScriptObjC offers a way of working around the limitations.
In the case of choose file name, the dialog includes the tags field, but offers no way for us to retrieve those values. It probably doesn't matter in most cases, but some users are going to get annoyed if they spend time adding tags, only to have them ignored. Another minor issue is the way the default name is selected; choose file name shows with the whole name selected, rather than the bit before the extension selected.
In some cases, you may want the New Folder button not to appear. Also, choose file name does not give you the option of enforcing a particular extension.
And there's another option I'll come to later, where you can add extra stuff to the panel.
The choose file name command shows what is known as an NSSavePanel, and this code shows one directly. It has a lot more parameters, and you can set only those that matter to you.
Before you run the following code, a warning: ASObjC code that involves drawing stuff on screen, like this, has to be run in the foreground on what is known as the main thread. Scripts are nearly always run on the main thread -- the one exception being in script editors, where they are usually run on background threads. So when you are trying out this code, if you don't run it in the foreground, you will crash your editor.
In Script Editor, you run a script in the foreground by holding the control key when running it, or pressing control-command-R. You can see the Run command change names in the Script menu when you hold down the control key. In ASObjC Explorer you check the 'Run in foreground' checkbox at the bottom of the script window.
This script is written for Yosemite. It can also be put in a dictionary for Mavericks easily enough. I haven't written it as a handler because of the potentially varied number of arguments.
use AppleScript version "2.4" use scripting additions use framework "Foundation"
-- make panel set savePanel to current application's NSSavePanel's savePanel() tell savePanel -- set main values its setMessage:"Your message here." -- AS's prompt its setNameFieldStringValue:"Untitled.txt" -- AS's default name -- other values you *can* set its setDirectoryURL:(current application's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(POSIX path of (path to desktop))) -- AS's default directory its setTitle:"Save File" -- Panel's title; default is "Save" its setPrompt:"Save" -- Override name on button; default is "Save" its setCanCreateDirectories:true -- whether New Folder button appears; default is true its setAllowedFileTypes:{"txt"} -- extensions or UTIs; provide missing value if any are allowed its setAllowsOtherFileTypes:false -- whether user can enter other file type; default is false its setShowsHiddenFiles:false -- whether hidden files appear; default is false its setTreatsFilePackagesAsDirectories:true -- whether packages are treated as files or folders; default is files its setShowsTagField:true -- whether to show the tags field; default is true its setTagNames:{"Important"} -- initial list of proposed tags; default is {} end tell -- show panel set returnCode to savePanel's runModal() -- eror if Cancel pressed if returnCode is (current application's NSFileHandlingPanelCancelButton) then error number -128 end if -- get entered path and tags set thePosixPath to (savePanel's |URL|()'s |path|()) as text set theTags to savePanel's tagNames() as list return {thePosixPath, theTags}
There are similar alternatives for choose file and choose folder, and I'll cover them shortly.