I have continued to poke this problem with a pointed stick and found something interesting. Consider this script ...
-- "StartupDisk:System:Library:Filesystems:" is selected tell application "Finder" activate set selList to get selection if (count items of selList) ≠ 1 then return end tell
set itemPath to (item 1 of selList) as text log itemPath --> (*OSX_Mavericks:System:Library:Filesystems:*)
set itemAlias to (item 1 of selList) as alias log itemAlias as text --> (*OSX_Mavericks:Library:Filesystems:*) -- INCORRECT
set itemAlias to (item 1 of selList) as text as alias log itemAlias as text --> (*OSX_Mavericks:System:Library:Filesystems:*)
AppleScript Editor's results pane after running this script is ...
tell application "Finder" activate get selection --> {folder "Filesystems" of folder "Library" of folder "System" of startup disk} get folder "Filesystems" of folder "Library" of folder "System" of startup disk --> "OSX_Mavericks:System:Library:Filesystems:" end tell (*OSX_Mavericks:System:Library:Filesystems:*) tell application "Finder" get folder "Filesystems" of folder "Library" of folder "System" of startup disk -- #### --> alias "OSX_Mavericks:Library:Filesystems:" end tell (*OSX_Mavericks:Library:Filesystems:*) tell application "Finder" get folder "Filesystems" of folder "Library" of folder "System" of startup disk --> "OSX_Mavericks:System:Library:Filesystems:" end tell (*OSX_Mavericks:System:Library:Filesystems:*)
(item 1 of selList) is a reference of class 'folder'. The Finder seems to be processing this reference incorrectly. Look at the line I have flagged with #### and the line following.
Any comments would be helpful.