Re: The Case of the Missing Case Statement
Re: The Case of the Missing Case Statement
- Subject: Re: The Case of the Missing Case Statement
- From: "S. J. Cunningham" <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 05 Apr 2015 06:17:33 -0400
LOL! Where does "OMG" get translated into "Oh My God"?
I overlooked "else if" because Script Debugger doesn't include it in it's pre-defined paste commands. I agree it looks a lot cleaner. and I'll be using it a lot more in the future.
As far as just writing code that is clear, that's good engineering advice since the code is usually just a means to an end. However I like to understand how things work also. Asking that question has many times led me to discovering better techniques and/or ones that I wasn't aware of. "Just don't worry about it" is not a very satisfying answer to why executing 296K if-then statements takes longer than executing 520K of them.
On Apr 5, 2015, at 1:44 AM, email@hidden wrote:
> Jon Pugh is of course totally right. My first attempt was to make the code readable, then if you have anything special for your “segments” of use-cases, then you just comment the segments, within the nested if test.
> -- More like a case, since now, omitting an exit repat will
> -- work like omitting a break, allowing you to adjust the value,
> -- so you can jump through more conditions, like a case statement works in most
> -- languages, except for java I believe
> on jumpTableFor1by13(n)
> repeat
> if n = 1 then
> return 1
> else if n = 2 then
> return 2
> else if n = 3 then
> return 3
> else if n = 4 then
> say "OMG"
> set n to 5
> else if n = 5 then
> return 5
> else if n = 6 then
> return 6
> else if n = 7 then
> return 7
> else if n = 8 then
> return 8
> else if n = 9 then
> return 9
> else if n = 10 then
> return 10
> else if n = 11 then
> return 11
> else if n = 12 then
> return 12
> else if n = 13 then
> return 13
> else
> return -1
> end if
> end repeat
> end jumpTableFor1by13
> 5. apr. 2015 kl. 07:34 skrev email@hidden:
>> on jumpTableFor1by13(n)
>> if n = 1 then
>> return 1
>> else if n = 2 then
>> return 2
>> else if n = 3 then
>> return 3
>> else if n = 4 then
>> return 4
>> else if n = 5 then
>> return 5
>> else if n = 6 then
>> return 6
>> else if n = 7 then
>> return 7
>> else if n = 8 then
>> return 8
>> else if n = 9 then
>> return 9
>> else if n = 10 then
>> return 10
>> else if n = 11 then
>> return 11
>> else if n = 12 then
>> return 12
>> else if n = 13 then
>> return 13
>> else
>> return -1
>> end if
>> end jumpTableFor1by13
>> 5. apr. 2015 kl. 00:15 skrev S. J. Cunningham <email@hidden>:
>>> I have a need to compare n different things and take a different branch for each one. A great application for the imaginary Applescript "case" statement :) Does anyone have a clever way to do this other than a brute force bunch of if-then statements?
>>> I figured that, on the average, I would be executing n/2 if-then tests for each iteration. In my case n is currently 13 so figure 6.5 tests. I decided to get clever and speed things up by doing the equivalent of a binary search, ie dividing the cases in half at each branch, thus reducing the number of tests to log base 2 of n, in my case, log base 2 of 13 or about 3.7. I expected this to perform significantly faster: 3.7 tests on average rather than 6.5.
>>> I wrote the attached script to test out my theory and was surprised by the results:
>>> Case Statement Test Results for 80,000 Tests
>>> (in Seconds)
>>> straight IF If-ElseTree Binary Search IF
>>> Run 1 37 49 58
>>> Run 2 51 47 40
>>> Run 3 39 40 44
>>> Run 4 44 44 43
>>> Run 5 44 42 41
>>> Average 43.0 44.4 45.2
>>> Not only was there not much difference but the Binary Search did marginally worse.
>>> I would be curious to hear any explanations as to why this might be so.
>>> ------------- Attached Script --------------------------
>>> set nTests to 80000
>>> set nRuns to 5
>>> set savetoFile to true
>>> set displayResults to true
>>> set saveResultsFileName to "Case Statement Test Results.txt"
>>> set resultsText to "Case Statement Test Results for " & nTests & " Tests" & return & " (in Seconds)" & ¬
>>> return & return & tab & "straightIF" & tab & "IfElseTree" & tab & "BinarySearchIF" & return
>>> set straightIFtimes to {}
>>> set IfElseTreetimes to {}
>>> set BinarySearchIFtimes to {}
>>> set fatTab to " "
>>> repeat with nRun from 1 to nRuns
>>> set startTime to current date
>>> repeat nTests times
>>> set theResult to StraightIF(random number from 1 to 13)
>>> (*
>>> if theResult > 0 then
>>> display dialog "Case " & theResult
>>> else
>>> display dialog "Error. " & (n as text) & " is out of range"
>>> end if
>>> *)
>>> end repeat
>>> set endTime to current date
>>> set straightIFtime to endTime - startTime
>>> -- display dialog "StraightIF time for " & nTests & " tests" & tab & straightIFtime & " seconds"
>>> set the end of straightIFtimes to straightIFtime
>>> set startTime to current date
>>> repeat nTests times
>>> set theResult to IfElseTree(random number from 1 to 13)
>>> (*
>>> if theResult > 0 then
>>> display dialog "Case " & theResult
>>> else
>>> display dialog "Error. " & (n as text) & " is out of range"
>>> end if
>>> *)
>>> end repeat
>>> set endTime to current date
>>> set IfElseTreetime to endTime - startTime
>>> -- display dialog "IfElseTree time for " & nTests & " tests" & tab & IfElseTreetime & " seconds"
>>> set the end of IfElseTreetimes to IfElseTreetime
>>> set startTime to current date
>>> repeat nTests times
>>> set theResult to BinarySearchIF(random number from 1 to 13)
>>> (*
>>> if theResult > 0 then
>>> display dialog "Case " & theResult
>>> else
>>> display dialog "Error. " & (n as text) & " is out of range"
>>> end if
>>> *)
>>> end repeat
>>> set endTime to current date
>>> set BinarySearchIFtime to endTime - startTime
>>> -- display dialog "BinarySearchIF time for " & nTests & " tests" & tab & BinarySearchIFtime & " seconds"
>>> set the end of BinarySearchIFtimes to BinarySearchIFtime
>>> (*
>>> display dialog "Times for " & nTests & " tests:" & return & return & ¬
>>> "StraightIF" & tab & straightIFtime & " seconds" & return & ¬
>>> "IfElseTree" & tab & IfElseTreetime & " seconds" & return & ¬
>>> "BinarySearchIF" & tab & BinarySearchIFtime & " seconds" & return
>>> *)
>>> set resultsText to resultsText & "Run " & nRun & fatTab & straightIFtime & fatTab & fatTab & IfElseTreetime & fatTab & fatTab & BinarySearchIFtime & return
>>> end repeat
>>> set StraightIFAverage to averageOf(straightIFtimes)
>>> set IfElseTreeAverage to averageOf(IfElseTreetimes)
>>> set BinarySearchIFAverage to averageOf(BinarySearchIFtimes)
>>> set resultsText to resultsText & "Average " & fatTab & StraightIFAverage & fatTab & fatTab & IfElseTreeAverage & fatTab & fatTab & BinarySearchIFAverage
>>> if displayResults then
>>> display dialog resultsText
>>> end if
>>> if savetoFile then
>>> tell application "Finder"
>>> set hfsParentFolderPath to get container of (path to me)
>>> set myFolderPath to (contents of hfsParentFolderPath) as text
>>> end tell
>>> set fID to open for access myFolderPath & saveResultsFileName with write permission
>>> write resultsText to fID
>>> close access fID
>>> end if
>>> on averageOf(aList)
>>> set theSum to 0
>>> repeat with n in aList
>>> set theSum to theSum + n
>>> end repeat
>>> set theAverage to theSum / (count of aList)
>>> return theAverage
>>> end averageOf
>>> on IfElseTree(n)
>>> if n = 1 then
>>> return 1
>>> else
>>> if n = 2 then
>>> return 2
>>> else
>>> if n = 3 then
>>> return 3
>>> else
>>> if n = 4 then
>>> return 4
>>> else
>>> if n = 5 then
>>> return 5
>>> else
>>> if n = 6 then
>>> return 6
>>> else
>>> if n = 7 then
>>> return 7
>>> else
>>> if n = 8 then
>>> return 8
>>> else
>>> if n = 9 then
>>> return 9
>>> else
>>> if n = 10 then
>>> return 10
>>> else
>>> if n = 11 then
>>> return 11
>>> else
>>> if n = 12 then
>>> return 12
>>> else
>>> if n = 13 then
>>> return 13
>>> else
>>> return -1
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end IfElseTree
>>> on StraightIF(n)
>>> if n = 1 then return 1
>>> if n = 2 then return 2
>>> if n = 3 then return 3
>>> if n = 4 then return 4
>>> if n = 5 then return 5
>>> if n = 6 then return 6
>>> if n = 7 then return 7
>>> if n = 8 then return 8
>>> if n = 9 then return 9
>>> if n = 10 then return 10
>>> if n = 11 then return 11
>>> if n = 12 then return 12
>>> if n = 13 then return 13
>>> if n > 13 then return -1
>>> end StraightIF
>>> on BinarySearchIF(n)
>>> if n < 6 then -- 1-6
>>> if n < 4 then -- 1-3
>>> if n = 1 then
>>> return 1
>>> else
>>> if n = 2 then
>>> return 2
>>> else
>>> return 3
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> else -- 4-6
>>> if n = 4 then
>>> return 4
>>> else
>>> if n = 5 then
>>> return 5
>>> else
>>> return 6
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> else -- 7-13
>>> if n < 10 then -- 7-9
>>> if n = 7 then
>>> return 7
>>> else
>>> if n = 8 then
>>> return 8
>>> else
>>> return 9
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> else -- 10-13
>>> if n < 12 then --10 or 11
>>> if n = 10 then
>>> return 10
>>> else
>>> return 11
>>> end if
>>> else -- 12 or 13
>>> if n = 12 then
>>> return 12
>>> else
>>> if n = 13 then
>>> return 13
>>> else
>>> return -1
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end if
>>> end BinarySearchIF
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