Thanks Christopher
Here is what I already responded to an other helper which wrote me out of record. Thanks for the references. During more than 30 years, I worked as a craftsman. I'm more interested by tools which I made myself than by ready to use ones. For me, Applescript is mostly a kind of brain jogging. I'm quite sure that, if I use ASObjC to fill the pasteboard, I will get a working tool but I wish to know if I missed something in the use of "standard" AppleScript.
As we know now, I was too optimistic. Even with ASObjC the oddity continue to strike. As I am pig-headed I will continue to try to understand what is the wrongdoer. But, as I posted in my late message, I have now a code which does the job flawlessly. I used it to insert my signature below.
Yvan KOENIG running Yosemite 10.10.4 in French (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 3 août 2015 18:39:46