tell application "Finder"
set currentDir to (target of front window) as alias
-- display dialog (currentDir as text) & " has " & ((currentDir's items) count) & " items." -- Finder get an error: Expected a reference
-- the line above can't use an alias, so the word "folder" is used to make a reference
display dialog (currentDir as text) & " has " & (count items of folder currentDir) & " items." -- this uses a reference
set itemList to (every item of folder currentDir) as alias list
repeat with f in itemList
display dialog name of f & "< " & (size of f as text)
repeat with p in properties of f
display dialog p as text
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
But ... this script does NOT look into sub-folders.
You will need to write a recursive handler to do that.