property t : ""
set my t to "2015 06 09 _test ftpSaving"
set tt to (word -5 of my t & " " & word -4 of t & " " & word -3 of t)
set tempYearString to ("Year " & word -5 of my t as text)
set TempMonthString to word -4 of my t as text
tell application "Mail"
if not (exists mailbox tempYearString) then
make new mailbox with properties {name:tempYearString}
end if
set p to 9
delay 0.2
if not (exists mailbox TempMonthString of mailbox tempYearString) then
say 1
make new mailbox with properties {name:tempYearString & "/" & TempMonthString}
end if
if not (exists mailbox tt of mailbox TempMonthString of mailbox tempYearString) then
say 1
make new mailbox with properties {name:tempYearString & "/" & TempMonthString & "/" & tt}
end if
end tell