I’m using a script method to print direct from Acrobat CC, but it’s ignoring the ‘don’t shrink’ setting.
I’ve also found a way to alter the Illustrator problem I posted yesterday, reduced the time from 14 minutes to 1 second (posted below)
tell application "Adobe Acrobat"
do shell script ("sleep 0.1")
set CountOfPages to count of pages of active doc
do script "
var pp = this.getPrintParams();
pp.NumCopies = 1;
pp.bShrinkToFit = false;
pp.firstPage = 1;
pp.lastpage = " & CountOfPages & ";
pp.TileOverlap = 36;
pp.TileLarge = true;
pp.setPageSize = '" & largePaperSize & "';
pp.printerName = '" & theLargePagePrinter & "';
pp.interactive = pp.constants.interactionLevel.silent;
end tell
For Illustrator...
set TempAttachmentName to my ResetAttachmentName()
set eachArtBoard to eachArtBoardCounter
set p to 2.1
do shell script ("sleep 0.2")
set p to 2.14
tell document 1
set p to 2.15
set p to 2.19
fitartboardtoselectedart index (eachArtBoardCounter - 1)
set {xleft, ytop, xright, ybottom} to artboard rectangle of artboard eachArtBoardCounter
end tell
set p to 4
# Text Frame 1
make new text frame in document 1 with properties {name:"AreaText", contents:TempAttachmentName, position:{(xleft + 10), (ytop + 30)}}
set p to 6.1
make new character style in document 1 with properties {name:"BarCodeBox"}
end try
set p to 6.2
set the size of character style "BarCodeBox" of document 1 to 10
set p to 6.3
apply character style character style "BarCodeBox" of document 1 to the text range of text frame "AreaText" of document 1
set p to 6.4
set the text font of text range of text frame "AreaText" of document 1 to text font "IDAutomationHC39M"
# Text Frame 2
make new text frame in document 1 with properties {name:"AreaTextTwo", contents:my PreserveFileName, position:{(xleft + 240), (ytop + 30)}}
set p to 7.1
make new character style in document 1 with properties {name:"NameBox"}
end try
set p to 7.2
set the size of character style "NameBox" of document 1 to 16
set p to 7.3
apply character style character style "NameBox" of document 1 to the text range of text frame "AreaTextTwo" of document 1
set p to 7.4
set the text font of text range of text frame "AreaTextTwo" of document 1 to text font "Cochin"
set p to 9
tell document 1
set artboard rectangle of artboard eachArtBoardCounter to {xleft, (ytop + 43), xright, ybottom}
end tell
on error errmsg number errnum
set my didItPrint to false
tell application "System Events" to display dialog "printIllustrator CC 2015 " & return & errmsg & return & "number " & errnum & " p = " & p & return & (current date) - c giving up after 40
end try