Hi List,
Anyone scripting VLC?
The following folder actions-script don’t works, in a way that it opens VLC, but then it waits for VLC to end the conversion, which never happens, so the error happens in the shell script-part, that should handle the VLC-part..
——————————————————————————snip—————————————————————————— on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items set the_ConvFolder to this_folder
set the_shortTimestamp to "" set the_ConvDone to "0" set the_newPath to ""
set userBitDepth to "24" set userSampleRate to "48000" set shortSampleRate to „48k"
set the_DestFLD to choose folder with prompt "Bitte das Ziel-Verzeichnis auswählen!" without multiple selections allowed and invisibles set the_shortTimestamp to (do shell script "date '+%y%m%d %H%M%S‘") set the_ConvTimeStamp to ("_Converted " & the_shortTimestamp) set theFiles to paragraphs of (do shell script "find " & POSIX path of the_ConvFolder & " -iname '*.wav' -or -iname '*.aif' -or -iname '*.mp3' -or -iname '*.m4a' -or -iname '*.mov' -or -iname '*.ogg' -or -iname '*.raw'") tell application „Finder" if (count items of theFiles) is greater than 0 then make new folder at (the_DestFLD) with properties {name:the_ConvTimeStamp} repeat with anItem in theFiles set userShortFormat to ("_" & shortSampleRate & userBitDepth) set the_newPath to (the_DestFLD & the_ConvTimeStamp) set the_ItemInfo to info for anItem set the_oldFileName to name of the_ItemInfo set the_newFileName to (the_oldFileName & userShortFormat & ".wav“) set the_newFile to (the_newPath & ":" & the_newFileName) as string set the_uBD to ((userBitDepth * userSampleRate * 2) / 1000) do shell script "/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC" & " '" & quoted form of POSIX path of anItem & "' --sout='#transcode{vcodec= none,acodec=wav,ab=" & the_uBD & ",channels=2,samplerate=" & userSampleRate & "}:standard{mux=wav,access=file,dst=" & quoted form of POSIX path of the_newFile & "}‘" set the_NewInfo to info for the_newFile as alias set the_ConvDone to the_ConvDone + 1 delete (anItem) as POSIX file end repeat else display dialog „No file to convert!“ end if end tell end adding folder items to ——————————————————————————snip——————————————————————————
Any hints?
With kindest regards… …Maik Waschfeld
(sent from my MBAir11)