Hi all,
I’ve been furthering my investigations into scripting Calendar in Yosemite and El Capitan and here are my conclusions:
Whatever the type of calendar (local or iCloud), the real setback is the amount of events it contains. For example, my calendar, iCloud-based, containing 8000+ events, takes a whopping 155 seconds to create an event. In an iCloud-based calendar with far less events, the number is reduced to 5 seconds. In a calendar containing 6000+ events, the delay drops a bit to 120 seconds.
Same massive delay when it comes to deleting an event.
I did, though, find a way of reducing delays when modifying events. Using the UID of an event (I return it in the creation script and store it in Filemaker), and this even in my most cluttered calendar, the modification of an event takes only a second, sometimes even less.
My conclusion is that there is some kind of validation process taking place when a script addresses the Calendar app to create or delete an event - though not when this is done manually.
Where would you guys send a formal bug report regarding this issue, since I believe the applescript users lists is not really moderated “officially”, right?
Many thanks in advance.