I’ve sent them a script that fails to create ANY new mailboxes. If anyone would like to test it and report back, I’d appreciate it.
tell application "Mail"
make new mailbox with properties "Year 2016"
say "Mail box Year 2016 created."
on error errmsg
say "Mail box 2016 try one failed to be created"
end try
make new mailbox at beginning with properties "Year 2016"
say "Mail box Year 2016 created."
on error errmsg
say "Mail box 2016 try two failed to be created"
end try
make new mailbox at beginning of mailboxes of mailbox "On My Mac" with properties "Year 2016"
say "Mail box Year 2016 created."
on error errmsg
say "Mail box 2016 try three failed to be created"
end try
make new mailbox at beginning of mailboxes of mailbox "On My Mac" with properties "Year 2016/11"
say "Mail box Year 2016 created, sub mailbox 11 created"
on error errmsg
say "Mail box 2016 11 failed to be created"
end try
make new mailbox at beginning of mailboxes of mailbox "Year 2016/11" with properties {"2016 11 17"}
on error errmsg
say "Mail box 2016 11 17 failed to be created"
end try
end tell