This script using the Satimage.osax runs in ~ 0.11 seconds, although again I'm not moving any files yet.
I've been thinking about doing a little smarter routing – perhaps using some routing codes like 'km' for Keyboard Maestro and 'wk' for working.
Anyhow. Hopefully someone else will find this useful too.
# dCre: 2012/09/30 16:51
# dMod: 2015/10/01 13:58
# Appl: Finder
# Task: Sweep Stuff off the desktop in an organized fashion.
# : Exclusion list.
# : Items labeled gray, green, or red are excluded.
# Libs: Only OSX components used.
# Osax: None
# Tags: @Applescript, @Finder, @Sweep, @Desktop
# Vers: 2.00b01
property defaultWindowPositionY : 23 -- El Capitan
property exlusionList : items 1 thru -2 of {¬
"Access", ¬
"Action List", ¬
"bak", ¬
"Catch All", ¬
"dd PerlDmp", ¬
"Desk Notes", ¬
"Kinesiology", ¬
"Links", ¬
"ll", ¬
"Meta", ¬
"OSX Notes", ¬
"Pending", ¬
"Proj Notes", ¬
"Ref Files", ¬
"sa Scripts", ¬
"ss Scr-Shot", ¬
"Sweep", ¬
"Swept", ¬
"", ¬
"Working", ¬
"tags.txt", ¬
# Separation between file-extensions & folder name must be at least 5 spaces.
# Multiple file-extensions MUST be separated by one space.
property fileExtFilters : text 2 thru -2 of "
dmg Disk_Images
flv mov mp4 Movie_Files
gif jpg png Image_Files
rtf rtfd RTF_Files
scpt Script_Files
sit zip Compressed_Archives
txt Text_Files
textClipping Clipping_Files
webarchive Web_Archives
webbookmark webloc Web_Bookmarks
worksheet BBEdit_Worksheets
set theDesktopFolder to path to desktop
set folderNameList to {}
set contentList to {}
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
repeat with i in (paragraphs of fileExtFilters)
set typeList to reverse of (words of i)
set typeFolderName to first item of typeList
set typeList to rest of typeList
set end of folderNameList to typeFolderName
set end of contentList to paragraphs of ((glob "*" of extension typeList from theDesktopFolder as alias) as text)
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
tell application "Finder"
repeat with i in contentList
repeat with n in i
set _item to contents of n
if last text item of _item is in exlusionList then
set _item to 0
else if (get label index of (_item as alias)) is in {2, 6, 7} then
set _item to 0
end if
if _item = 0 then
set (contents of n) to 0
set (contents of n) to (contents of n) as alias
end if
end repeat
set (contents of i) to aliases of (contents of i)
end repeat
end tell
{folderNameList, contentList}