I’m guessing the error is coming from the ‘do shell script’ line but I’m struggling to see why or how to resolve it.
Here’s the script (some strings are pseudo-code; take it as read that it compiles and runs without issue on my own mac):
set p to "defaults write com.someID.someApp somekey \”whatever\";"
set q to "defaults write com.someID.someApp someOtherKey \”whatever again\";"
set r to "defaults write com.someID.someApp someAnotherKey \”whatever again again";"
set s to "defaults write com.someID.someApp someYetAnotherKey \”whatever again again and again\";"
set t to "defaults write com.someID.someApp \”someIntKey\" 9;"
set i to p & q & r & s & t
set licReply to "Your license was successfully installed."
set licError to "There was a problem installing your license."
set s to (do shell script i)
on error
set licReply to licError
end try
if s's length is greater than 0 then
set licReply to licError
end if
display dialog licReply with title “someApp" buttons "OK" default button "OK"