Re: Help with Script to mount SMB
Re: Help with Script to mount SMB
- Subject: Re: Help with Script to mount SMB
- From: Stefan Economou <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:46:04 +0000
- Thread-topic: Help with Script to mount SMB
Dan, I¹ve had good luck with the line below:
do shell script "mkdir '/Volumes/[desired volume name]'; mount -t smbfs
//[path to desired volume and directory] '/Volumes/[desired volume name]'"
On 10/14/15, 5:20 AM,
"applescript-users-bounces+stefan_economou=email@hidden on
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>Today's Topics:
> 1. Help with Script to mount SMB (Ball, Dan)
> 2. Re: Help with Script to mount SMB (Alex Zavatone)
> 3. RE: Help with Script to mount SMB (Ball, Dan)
> 4. Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
> (Bert Groeneveld)
> 5. Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
> (Axel Luttgens)
> 6. (offtopic) swift etc. (Jean-Christophe Helary)
> 7. Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
> (Bert Groeneveld)
> 8. Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
> (Axel Luttgens)
> 9. Re: Folder Type Identifier (Thomas Fischer)
> 10. Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
> (Axel Luttgens)
>Message: 1
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 01:47:37 +0000
>From: "Ball, Dan" <email@hidden>
>To: "email@hidden"
> <email@hidden>
>Subject: Help with Script to mount SMB
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>Hi all,
>Hoping someone can help with this script? I have a small xcode app I
>made years ago that gives users a GUI to mount shares off of our servers.
> I opened it up here just to make some small changes and I¹m noticing the
>on error part not working anymore. I know this used to work, but not
>sure when it stopped.
>tell application "Finder"
>mount volume "smb://"
>on error
>tell application "Finder"
>display dialog "I cannot locate share or you already have it mounted!"
>buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel" with icon caution giving up
>after 10
>end tell
>end try
>end tell
>What I want the script to do is try and mount the share
>smb:// and have it mount. If for some reason they
>try to mount it again which would be before throw an error and give a
>message to the user I cannot locate FacShare or you already have it
>I copied the code out and into Script Editor to play with it and its
>still not working.
>What am I missing?
>Message: 2
>Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 21:50:02 -0400
>From: Alex Zavatone <email@hidden>
>To: "Ball, Dan" <email@hidden>
>Cc: "email@hidden"
> <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Help with Script to mount SMB
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
>Username and password?
>On Oct 13, 2015, at 9:47 PM, Ball, Dan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Hoping someone can help with this script? I have a small xcode app I
>>made years ago that gives users a GUI to mount shares off of our
>>servers. I opened it up here just to make some small changes and I¹m
>>noticing the on error part not working anymore. I know this used to
>>work, but not sure when it stopped.
>> Script:
>> tell application "Finder"
>> try
>> mount volume "smb://"
>> on error
>> tell application "Finder"
>> activate
>> display dialog "I cannot locate share or you already have it mounted!"
>>buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel" with icon caution giving up
>>after 10
>> end tell
>> end try
>> end tell
>> What I want the script to do is try and mount the share
>>smb:// and have it mount. If for some reason
>>they try to mount it again which would be before throw an error and give
>>a message to the user I cannot locate FacShare or you already have it
>> I copied the code out and into Script Editor to play with it and its
>>still not working.
>> What am I missing?
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
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>Message: 3
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 02:50:30 +0000
>From: "Ball, Dan" <email@hidden>
>To: Alex Zavatone <email@hidden>
>Cc: "email@hidden"
> <email@hidden>
>Subject: RE: Help with Script to mount SMB
> <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252
>No, it mounts the share fine. Its the "on error" part not working. The
>OS X clients use kerberos, so the logged in user credentials are used
>automatically and no need for username and password to be in the code.
>So say you run it, it mounts the share fine. But if you run it again it
>should error and display a dialog box saying the share is already mounted
>and timeout after 10 seconds. Its not erroring anymore.
>Playing around in Script Editor if I put in just
>smb:// it mounts and if you run it again no error
>happens which is why the on error isn't working in the script. Something
>must of changed in one of the version of OS X as it worked before.
>I guess the only way to fix it is to make it more difficult and put in an
>if statement of some sort to check to see if its mounted already or
>something. Was hoping someone would have an idea on why the on error
>display dialog part stopped working and if there is an easier way to get
>it working again and keeping it simple?
>Hopefully thats clear enough?
>This part isn't working:
>on error
>tell application "Finder"
>display dialog "I cannot locate share or you already have it mounted!"
>buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel" with icon caution giving up
>after 10
>end tell
>From: Alex Zavatone [email@hidden]
>Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 9:50 PM
>To: Ball, Dan
>Cc: email@hidden
>Subject: Re: Help with Script to mount SMB
>Username and password?
>On Oct 13, 2015, at 9:47 PM, Ball, Dan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Hoping someone can help with this script? I have a small xcode app I
>>made years ago that gives users a GUI to mount shares off of our
>>servers. I opened it up here just to make some small changes and I¹m
>>noticing the on error part not working anymore. I know this used to
>>work, but not sure when it stopped.
>> Script:
>> tell application "Finder"
>> try
>> mount volume "smb://"
>> on error
>> tell application "Finder"
>> activate
>> display dialog "I cannot locate share or you already have it mounted!"
>>buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel" with icon caution giving up
>>after 10
>> end tell
>> end try
>> end tell
>> What I want the script to do is try and mount the share
>>smb:// and have it mount. If for some reason
>>they try to mount it again which would be before throw an error and give
>>a message to the user I cannot locate FacShare or you already have it
>> I copied the code out and into Script Editor to play with it and its
>>still not working.
>> What am I missing?
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
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>Message: 4
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 08:44:29 +0200
>From: Bert Groeneveld <email@hidden>
>To: "Stockly, Ed" <email@hidden>
>Cc: AS users <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
> <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>Hi Ed,
>The entire contents method will not work for me, because the directory
>contains thousands of folders and files. It is too slow. That¹s why I ask
>for help.
>> On 13 okt. 2015 (week 42), at 22:27, Stockly, Ed
>><email@hidden> wrote:
>> This is actually the one context where "entire contents" seems to work:
>> --------
>> set rootDirectory to alias "TVTimes:2010 TV Times
>> Production:Done:06-27-10-TV Times:latpages.sit Folder:"
>> set fileName to "6-27-10-TV Times.indd"
>> tell application "Finder"
>> set myFiles to every file of entire contents of rootDirectory as alias
>> list
>> end tell
>> --then step through that list to find your file
>> --or
>> tell application "Finder"
>> set myFiles to (first file of entire contents of rootDirectory whose
>> name is fileName) as alias
>> end tell
>> ‹‹‹‹
>> The caveat is that if your directory contains thousands (hundreds?) of
>> folders the entire contents command will choke your Finder to death and
>> you'll need to relaunch it.
>>> I am working on a script that tells InDesign CS6 (on OS 10.10.5) to
>>> auto-layout folder pages. I¹m almost ready with the script, except for
>>> the part where I need to place images from a folder called
>>> ³Highres_Images². This folder contains many subfolders and is on a
>>> mounted server volume. At some given moment when the script runs I
>>>have a
>>> variable that contains just the name of a certain image, for example:
>>> myImage to ³picture123.jpg². To be able to place this image on an
>>> InDesign page I need the full HFS path of the image.
>>> The image ³picture123.jpg² is somewhere inside the ³Highres_Images"
>>> folder. This folder contains many, many subfolders, which contain
>>> subfolders, etc, etc, several levels deep. I don¹t know in which
>>> subfolder the image is.
>>> I was thinking of 2 approaches, still need to find out which one works
>>> best:
>>> 1. I could get a list of all subfolders (HFS paths, not just names) and
>>> then loop through the list and find out in which folder the image is
>>> (with a Finder statement if exists). If the file exist I know its path
>>> and I can exit the loop.
>>> 2. I could get a string of all files (HFS paths, not just names) that
>>> inside the Highres_Images folder. Then I could use the filename as a
>>> delimiter and split the string in parts, etc, etc, to find out in which
>>> subfolder the file is.
>>> IŒm afraid I really need some ³do shell script² stuff to fix this
>>> (fast execution time I mean). Unfortunately I have little or no
>>> about this, so I hope someone can help. For example a "do shell script"
>>> on how to build a text string with HFS paths of all images inside the
>>> Highres_Images folder, including files that are in subfolders.
>>> ps. I¹m absolutely sure there are only jpg and some psd files inside
>>> folder, so there shuldn¹t be a problem with invisible files, packages,
>>> etc.
>>> Thanks in advance for any help,
>>> Bert.
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>Message: 5
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:01:29 +0200
>From: Axel Luttgens <email@hidden>
>To: asu <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Le 13 oct. 2015 à 21:11, Bert Groeneveld a écrit :
>> Hi, here I am again,
>> I am working on a script that tells InDesign CS6 (on OS 10.10.5) to
>>auto-layout folder pages. I¹m almost ready with the script, except for
>>the part where I need to place images from a folder called
>>³Highres_Images². This folder contains many subfolders and is on a
>>mounted server volume. At some given moment when the script runs I have
>>a variable that contains just the name of a certain image, for example:
>>set myImage to ³picture123.jpg². To be able to place this image on an
>>InDesign page I need the full HFS path of the image.
>> The image ³picture123.jpg² is somewhere inside the ³Highres_Images"
>>folder. This folder contains many, many subfolders, which contain
>>subfolders, etc, etc, several levels deep. I don¹t know in which
>>subfolder the image is.
>> [Š]
>> ps. I¹m absolutely sure there are only jpg and some psd files inside
>>the folder, so there shuldn¹t be a problem with invisible files,
>>packages, etc.
>Hello Bert,
>If I understood you correctly, you need to find a file named
>"picture123.jpg" residing, more or less deeply, somewhere within a folder
>named "Highres_Images". That folder is on a volume mounted from some
>Indeed, making use of the Finder against a file server often proves very
>taxing: for each item it has to handle, the Finder tends to query a lot
>of metadata, even if it won¹t do anything with it.
>So, if you allow, a quick exploratory test.
>Let¹s say the server volume is mounted at /Volumes/Sharepoint, and that
>folder "Highres_Images" is located at the first level; the relevant path
>would thus be /Volumes/Sharepoint/Highres_Images.
>Searching for a file named "picture123.jpg" could be achieved with:
> find '/Volumes/Sharepoint/Highres_Images' -type f -name 'picture123.jpg'
>Even if not strictly required in this precise case, I¹m quoting the two
>strings as a reminder (in the general case, such strings would need to be
>quoted with "quoted form of" for an invocation from AppleScript).
>Could you try above command (with the path and/or file name adjusted to
>your context) in and see whether it yields expected results,
>and that within a reasonable amount of time?
>Message: 6
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 16:37:44 +0900
>From: Jean-Christophe Helary <email@hidden>
>To: email@hidden
>Subject: (offtopic) swift etc.
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>I'm sorry for the off-topicness of my request but even tough it is not AS
>related I'm sure many of you are knowledgeable on the subject.
>There is a desktop application I want to write and I'd like to use Swift
>to write it. But I have no idea how to *start* a GUI application in Xcode.
>I've been checking a few books on Swift+OSX (Cocoa) programming
>(Oreilly/Apress/Big Nerd Ranch) but I don't know which would be the most
>helpful. I don't need a language reference, more a book that uses a
>hands-ons approach and lets user develop from that.
>Any idea ?
>Jean-Christophe Helary
>Message: 7
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 10:19:45 +0200
>From: Bert Groeneveld <email@hidden>
>To: asu <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
> <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>Hi Axel, thank you for your answer. In Terminal: execution time is 1
>minute and 40 seconds when searching a folder with 2.000 subfolders and
>20.000 files.
>Depending in which folder the file is (in folder A, B, Š. or Z) the
>result shows up earlier in the Terminal window, but the Find process
>continues (there could be more files with the same name in different
>subfolders) and always ends after 1:40.
>In my script I need to places 70, 80 or more images, so this method is
>too slow I would say.
>> On 14 okt. 2015 (week 42), at 09:01, Axel Luttgens
>><email@hidden> wrote:
>>> Le 13 oct. 2015 à 21:11, Bert Groeneveld a écrit :
>>> Hi, here I am again,
>>> I am working on a script that tells InDesign CS6 (on OS 10.10.5) to
>>>auto-layout folder pages. I¹m almost ready with the script, except for
>>>the part where I need to place images from a folder called
>>>³Highres_Images². This folder contains many subfolders and is on a
>>>mounted server volume. At some given moment when the script runs I have
>>>a variable that contains just the name of a certain image, for example:
>>>set myImage to ³picture123.jpg². To be able to place this image on an
>>>InDesign page I need the full HFS path of the image.
>>> The image ³picture123.jpg² is somewhere inside the ³Highres_Images"
>>>folder. This folder contains many, many subfolders, which contain
>>>subfolders, etc, etc, several levels deep. I don¹t know in which
>>>subfolder the image is.
>>> [Š]
>>> ps. I¹m absolutely sure there are only jpg and some psd files inside
>>>the folder, so there shuldn¹t be a problem with invisible files,
>>>packages, etc.
>> Hello Bert,
>> If I understood you correctly, you need to find a file named
>>"picture123.jpg" residing, more or less deeply, somewhere within a
>>folder named "Highres_Images". That folder is on a volume mounted from
>>some server.
>> Indeed, making use of the Finder against a file server often proves
>>very taxing: for each item it has to handle, the Finder tends to query a
>>lot of metadata, even if it won¹t do anything with it.
>> So, if you allow, a quick exploratory test.
>> Let¹s say the server volume is mounted at /Volumes/Sharepoint, and that
>>folder "Highres_Images" is located at the first level; the relevant path
>>would thus be /Volumes/Sharepoint/Highres_Images.
>> Searching for a file named "picture123.jpg" could be achieved with:
>> find '/Volumes/Sharepoint/Highres_Images' -type f -name
>> Even if not strictly required in this precise case, I¹m quoting the two
>>strings as a reminder (in the general case, such strings would need to
>>be quoted with "quoted form of" for an invocation from AppleScript).
>> Could you try above command (with the path and/or file name adjusted to
>>your context) in and see whether it yields expected
>>results, and that within a reasonable amount of time?
>> Axel
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>Message: 8
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 10:28:47 +0200
>From: Axel Luttgens <email@hidden>
>To: asu <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Le 14 oct. 2015 à 10:19, Bert Groeneveld a écrit :
>> Hi Axel, thank you for your answer. In Terminal: execution time is 1
>>minute and 40 seconds when searching a folder with 2.000 subfolders and
>>20.000 files.
>> Depending in which folder the file is (in folder A, B, Š. or Z) the
>>result shows up earlier in the Terminal window, but the Find process
>>continues (there could be more files with the same name in different
>>subfolders) and always ends after 1:40.
>> In my script I need to places 70, 80 or more images, so this method is
>>too slow I would say.
>Would a search time of about 1:40 be fine for finding all those 70-80
>images at once?
>Message: 9
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 11:10:45 +0200
>From: Thomas Fischer <email@hidden>
>To: AS users <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Folder Type Identifier
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
>Hi Shane,
>thanks for the tutoring on script libraries (I never went there before!),
>I called the script library uti.scptd
>And it is interesting in so far as the result is actually "public.folder"!
>But with
>tell script "uti"
> set myPath to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & ".DS_Store"
> set theResult to its utiForPosixPath:(myPath)
>end tell
>I get
>And from System Events I get
>This doesn't look quite rightŠ
>But on my other machine it seems that .DS_Store comes with different
>UTIs, like, public.unix-executable and (yes!)
>Seems strange that Apple doesn't seem to have bothered to give their own
>.DS_Store files a decent UTI (this makes filtering on anything but the
>name tough).
>But this leaves me with the question: where the heck does System Events
>get its type identifiers?
>Thanks a lot and all the best
>Am 14.10.2015 um 00:55 schrieb Shane Stanley <email@hidden>:
>> On 13 Oct 2015, at 11:11 PM, Thomas Fischer <email@hidden> wrote:
>>> This doesn't seem to run on Mavericks.
>> You have to run it via a script library in Mavericks. Put the code in a
>>handler, something like:
>> use scripting additions
>> use framework "Foundation"
>> on utiForPosixPath:thePath
>> set theNSURL to current application's class "NSURL"'s
>> set {theResult, theValue} to theNSURL's getResourceValue:(reference)
>>forKey:(current application's NSURLTypeIdentifierKey) |error|:(missing
>> return theValue as text
>> end utiForPosixPath:
>> Save it as a .scptd file to ~/Library/Script Libraries (you'll probably
>>have to create the folder). Then in Script Editor click on the toolbar
>>at top-right to show a panel where you need to click the checkbox called
>>AppleScript/Objective-C. Save again. Then run a script like this:
>> tell script "<name of lib>"
>> set theResult to its utiForPosixPath:(POSIX path of (path to home
>> end tell
>> --
>> Shane Stanley <email@hidden>
>> <>
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>Message: 10
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 11:20:07 +0200
>From: Axel Luttgens <email@hidden>
>To: asu <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Find out in which subfolder a given file resides
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Le 14 oct. 2015 à 10:19, Bert Groeneveld a écrit :
>> Hi Axel, thank you for your answer. In Terminal: execution time is 1
>>minute and 40 seconds when searching a folder with 2.000 subfolders and
>>20.000 files.
>> Depending in which folder the file is (in folder A, B, Š. or Z) the
>>result shows up earlier in the Terminal window, but the Find process
>>continues (there could be more files with the same name in different
>>subfolders) and always ends after 1:40.
>> In my script I need to places 70, 80 or more images, so this method is
>>too slow I would say.
>Would a search time of about 1:40 be fine for finding all those 70-80
>images at once?
>AppleScript-Users mailing list
>End of AppleScript-Users Digest, Vol 12, Issue 485
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