I’m trying to click a particular radio button of a group of 4 in the ‘Size’ panel in the Print dialog of Acrobat DC.
The button (number 2), clicks on OK, but the existing selected button (number 3), also stays clicked when the button above it is clicked using Applescript.
I’ve tried setting the value to 0, with no success.
Is there any other way of making sure the original selected radio button is turned off? It’s not a problem when manually clicking, only with Applescript.
tell application "Adobe Acrobat" activate do shell script ("sleep 0.4") tell application "System Events" to tell process "AdobeAcrobat" do shell script ("sleep 0.4") click radio button "Actual size" of group 3 of window "Print" do shell script ("sleep 0.4") get every attribute of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window “Print” —< default selected button
end tell end tell
{attribute "AXEnabled" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXParent" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXSize" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXFocused" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXRole" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXTopLevelUIElement" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXHelp" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXValue" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXPosition" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXWindow" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXRoleDescription" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXTitle" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events", attribute "AXFrame" of radio button "Shrink oversized pages" of group 3 of window "Print" of application process "AdobeAcrobat" of application "System Events"} |