Based on the file hierarchy you provided, it seems that the problem is with this part of the script.
On the LowRes server it looks like all the folders/files are stored in a folder named "Assets", but that folder is only inserted into the hierarch for lowRes correctly.
On the thumbDrive volume it looks like a folder named "Box Sync" holds the "Assets" folder and that holds the rest of the hierarchy.
If that's the case then the fix would be below.
In your script, try to remove the lines commented out and and marked below and replace with the lines below, marked "—replace this line"
Let us know if that works. I think it's likely that when going from USBLink to either of the other drives you may need to add a line to remove the ":Box Sync" folder from the hierarchy. I'd have to really study the other handlers in the script to know,
but if that's the case it would be an easy fix.
if the
button returned of the
result is "HiRes" then
ErrorList to ErrorList &
my LinkSwitch(document 1,
LoResLink, HiResLink, 3,
ErrorList to ErrorList &
my LinkSwitch(document 1,
USBLink, HiResLink, 3,
else if
button returned of the
result is "LoRes" then
ErrorList to ErrorList &
my LinkSwitch(document 1,
HiResLink, LoResLink & ":Assets", 2,
--set ErrorList to ErrorList & my LinkSwitch(document 1, USBLink, LoResLink, 2, NewExt1Small)--remove this line
ErrorList to ErrorList &
my LinkSwitch(document 1,
USBLink, LoResLink & ":Assets", 2,
NewExt1Small) -- add this line
--set ErrorList to ErrorList & my LinkSwitch(document 1, LoResLink, USBLink, 2, NewExt1Small)--remove this line
-- set ErrorList to ErrorList & my LinkSwitch(document 1, HiResLink, USBLink & ":Assets", 2, NewExt1Small)--remove this line
ErrorList to ErrorList &
my LinkSwitch(document 1,
LoResLink, USBLink & ":Box Sync:", 2,
NewExt1Small) --add this line
ErrorList to ErrorList &
my LinkSwitch(document 1,
HiResLink, USBLink & ":Box Sync:Assets", 2,
NewExt1Small) --add this line
end if