I'm using a MacBook Pro, and running OSX El Capitan 10.11.2. I'm a long time amateur AppleScript user, but am having a problem since I got the current computer with this OS. Sometime when I'm working the Editor will freeze, and my only option is to force
quit and reboot. However it got to a point yesterday where I cannot reboot it. When I attempt to, I get nothing but the spinning beach ball, with the only option being to force quit. I know when this might happen because suddenly, for no apparent reason,
the text in either the top or bottom part of the Editor window (but never both) will get very large, and cannot be reduced. I do a quick save, force quit, and reboot, which has worked in almost all instances.
This problem occurred once before, several months ago. Someone gave me a fix, which involved going to some folder and trashing some file. I cannot find the notes on that. If anyone can help me on this, I'd appreciate it. If anyone has any hints on avoiding
it altogether, that would be appreciated also.
Thanks in advance,