I’m posting in the two forums in the hope of getting an answer, but the mod 103 values in the first sites font does not display a barcode character all the time.
tell application "TextEdit"
tell application "System Events" to tell process "TextEdit"
keystroke "n" using command down
end tell
end tell
set theText to "This is barcode 128. "
repeat with x from 1 to 10
set theText to (theText & " " & x as text)
set theModulusCharacter to (my setUpTextCount(theText))
set theBarCodeText to theText & (ASCII character theModulusCharacter)
delay 0.1
# These commented out values below display '—' & '”'
# set the clipboard to ((ASCII character 209) & theBarCodeText & (ASCII character 211) as text)
# These start & stop values are taken from a later version of the font (Barton site),
# which displays the values above as the Ascii value, but actually displays the
# characters as below, as the start & stop values.
set the clipboard to ((ASCII character 237) & theBarCodeText & (ASCII character 235) as text)
tell application "TextEdit"
tell front document
tell application "System Events" to tell process "TextEdit"
keystroke "v" using command down
end tell
set the font of last paragraph of its text to "Code 128"
set the size of last paragraph of its text to 36 #
end tell
set the clipboard to (return & return as text)
tell front document
tell application "System Events" to tell process "TextEdit"
keystroke "v" using command down
end tell
end tell
end tell
end repeat
on setUpTextCount(theText)
set eachCharacterCount to 104 # the value of the start character for Barcode 128 Set B
repeat with x from 1 to count of theText # We start counting from the first character of the actual text,and multiply it’s adjusted value by its position
set eachCharacter to item x of theText
set eachCharacterAscii to (ASCII number of eachCharacter)
if eachCharacterAscii < 127 then
set subtractAsciiOffset to 32
set subtractAsciiOffset to 105
end if
set eachCharacterCount to eachCharacterCount + ((eachCharacterAscii - subtractAsciiOffset) * x)
end repeat
set theModulusNumber to eachCharacterCount mod 103
set theAddOnAscii to 32
# This commented out line uses 105 as the Font example shows, but it prints non-barcode
# characters sometimes.
# if theModulusNumber > 94 then set theAddOnAscii to 105
# This line below uses the difference in values as shown on site 2 (Barton site),
# but still sometimes displays non-barcode characters.
if theModulusNumber > 94 then set theAddOnAscii to 128 # Sometimes, non-barcode characters are printed!
return theModulusNumber + theAddOnAscii
end setUpTextCount
* Auteur : Joffrey VERDIER
* Date : 08/2006
* Légal : OpenSource © 2007 AVRANCHES
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
public class Code128
public Code128() { }
/// <summary>
/// Encode la chaine en code128
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chaine">Chaine à transcrire</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public String Encode(String chaine)
int ind = 1;
int checksum = 0;
int mini;
int dummy;
bool tableB;
String code128;
int longueur;
code128 = "";
longueur = chaine.Length;
if (longueur == 0)
Console.WriteLine("\n chaine vide");
for (ind = 0; ind < longueur; ind++)
if ((chaine[ind] < 32) || (chaine[ind] > 126))
Console.WriteLine("\n chaine invalide");
tableB = true;
ind = 0;
while (ind < longueur)
if (tableB == true)
if ((ind == 0) || (ind + 3 == longueur-1))
mini = 4;
mini = 6;
mini = mini - 1;
if ((ind + mini) <= longueur - 1)
while (mini >= 0)
if ((chaine[ind + mini] < 48) || (chaine[ind + mini] > 57))
Console.WriteLine("\n exit");
mini = mini - 1;
if (mini < 0)
if (ind == 0)
code128 = Char.ToString((char) 205);
code128 = code128 + Char.ToString((char)199);
tableB = false;
if (ind == 0)
code128 = Char.ToString((char) 204);
if (tableB == false)
mini = 2;
mini = mini - 1;
if (ind + mini < longueur)
while (mini >= 0)
if (((chaine[ind + mini]) < 48) || ((chaine[ind]) > 57))
mini = mini - 1;
if (mini < 0)
dummy = Int32.Parse(chaine.Substring(ind, 2));
Console.WriteLine("\n dummy ici : "+dummy);
if (dummy < 95)
dummy = dummy + 32;
} else
dummy = dummy + 100;
code128 = code128 + (char)(dummy);
ind = ind + 2;
code128 = code128 + Char.ToString((char) 200);
tableB = true;
if (tableB == true)
code128 = code128 + chaine[ind];
ind = ind + 1;
for (ind = 0; ind <= code128.Length-1; ind++)
dummy = code128[ind];
Console.WriteLine("\n et voila dummy : "+dummy);
if (dummy < 127)
dummy = dummy - 32;
dummy = dummy - 100;
if (ind == 0)
checksum = dummy;
checksum = (checksum + (ind) * dummy) % 103;
if (checksum < 95)
checksum = checksum + 32;
checksum = checksum + 100;
code128 = code128 + Char.ToString((char) checksum)
+ Char.ToString((char) 206);
return code128;