On 3 Jun 2016, at 6:33 PM, has <email@hidden> wrote:
do you understand exactly what AS is doing here and why?
I was tempted to ask you the same question. But then you gave me the answer:
I was slightly off-target
if you mean wrong, yes. Messages are dispatched to the direct parameter by default. So here's a lib script:
use scripting additions use framework "Foundation" use framework "AppKit"
on some fancy command x set thePath to POSIX path of x set aURL to current application's class "NSURL"'s fileURLWithPath:thePath current application's NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace()'s activateFileViewerSelectingURLs:{aURL} end some fancy command
And calling it like this fails:
use script "Hysteria"
some fancy command someLocalHandler()
on someLocalHandler() return "/" as POSIX file end someLocalHandler
The error says something like "«script "Untitled"» doesn’t understand the “someLocalHandler” message." but the offending object is in fact the library. This also fails the same way:
tell script "Hysteria" some fancy command someLocalHandler() end tell
on someLocalHandler() return "/" as POSIX file end someLocalHandler
This works:
use script "Hysteria"
someLocalHandler() some fancy command result
on someLocalHandler() return "/" as POSIX file end someLocalHandler
This script also fails:
use application "Finder"
reveal someLocalHandler()
on someLocalHandler() return "/" as POSIX file end someLocalHandler
As does this:
tell application "Finder" reveal someLocalHandler() end tell
on someLocalHandler() return "/" as POSIX file end someLocalHandler
But not this:
use application "Finder"
someLocalHandler() reveal result
on someLocalHandler() return "/" as POSIX file end someLocalHandler
Of course most users already knew what was going to happen with the last three. And I'd wager most of them would expect something similar to happen when addressing script libraries that use terminology, which, surprise, surprise, is what happens.
So put your expectations aside for a moment, and tell me exactly how this squares with your statement:
This is very bad for users: you cannot teach them that the language Works This Way and then have it magically turn around and do something completely different instead with no indication, explanation, or justification why. It violates their whole mental model of how the system works; confuses, angers, and frustrates the hell out of them; and consumes a ton of their time and energy figuring out for themselves precisely how, where, and why it isn't doing *what they're damn well telling it to do* but instead doing something else entirely
Now I know there are lots of frustrating inconsistencies in AppleScript, but I'm damned if I can see how the average scripter will see this as such a case. And you wonder why veteran AS devs like me and Mark Please skip the argumentum ad verecundiam...