You sir, are awesome. Don’t ever slow down.. I think you vastly overstate the Mac's importance.
I have no illusions about Mac becoming a barn burner at this point. What I do think is that is a piece of the business that can be leveraged pretty easily and to good effect for the ecosystem. This is good news for Mac rather than the death of the desktop/laptop paradigm..
On the consumer side: I think of the MacBook for college as a sort of gateway drug. Lots of parents want their kids to have the power to succeed… iPad ain’t there yet.. Hey, just another avenue for leveraging the platform.. The Starbuck’s and airport terminals of recent memory are filled with folks hunkered down behind that warm anodized glow…
Media has the hots for mobile (the numbers ARE staggering) but theres still plenty of good business to be had outside of this in the next 10 years…
I don't see Macs ever becoming significant players in enterprise,.
I think you are underplaying the ecosystem effects… If enterprise goes even somewhat iOS (security alone could drive this) then having cornered the market for corporate ‘trucks’, cause these trucks play better with all those corporate ‘cars’, strikes me as a damn fine idea. Windows as a franchise has never been more vulnerable. I do agree cloud is not Apple’s knitting and this is maybe the most significant issue facing them near term…
Again, forget enterprise. No ‘cause its sorta central to my 'Mac’s can be easily leveraged to make it a higher revenue center' and driving these sales, specifically enterprise, is a win for Apple eco and Corp eco…
if there's also a more control-freaky company in existence than Apple today then I've not heard of it either. But sometimes you just gotta let go, let your users make their _own_ decisions for themselves
Totally agree, I yell at “Mommy” probably every day.. I wish they would let men be men and provide a ‘its MY Mac’ switch…. A combo of root&specialadmin&macOSServer..
Keep up the good work!
“Easily Wowed” Mr. C :) |