Thanks, Shane. That really clears things up.
So it looks like use of the property statements might be a good thing to put in a template for ASObjC scripts, right?
In a script library, can I put those property statements at the top of the script file, and then refer to them in the handlers below?
Jim Underwood
aka JMichaelTX
On 30 Jun 2016, at 10:56 AM, Jim Underwood <
email@hidden> wrote:
May I ask, for my (and others) edification, what effect the options parameter has on the extraction of plain text from HTML text?
It's unnecessary. There are a few variations on initWithHTML:, and at the time I missed the simpler one.
Also, what is the benefit of using the property statement to set the ASObjC objects?
For most Cocoa terms, it just moves all the "current application's" out of your actual code, making it a bit shorter and hopefully more readable.