use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit" -- for NSEvent
my checkModifier:"command"
on checkModifier:keyName
if keyName = "option" then
set theMask to current application's NSAlternateKeyMask as integer
else if keyName = "control" then
set theMask to current application's NSControlKeyMask as integer
else if keyName = "command" then
set theMask to current application's NSCommandKeyMask as integer
else if keyName = "shift" then
set theMask to current application's NSShiftKeyMask as integer
return false
end if
set theFlag to current application's NSEvent's modifierFlags() as integer
if ((theFlag div theMask) mod 2) = 0 then
return false
return true
end if
end checkModifier: