I already have posted here asking how could I create a script that would determine what language a given particular document is in. Since I wasn't able to chew on some of your recommendations because of overly complex nature at that point for me, I decided to find a workaround on my own using tools I'm already familiar with rather than going with a very sophisticated AppleScriptObjC language.
I think you're better off using Shane's AppleScriptObjC handler myself. It's not all that difficult to manage.
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
set theText to "Οἱ δὲ Φοίνιϰες"
set textLanguage to its guessLanguageOf:theText
on guessLanguageOf:theString
set theTagger to current application's NSLinguisticTagger's alloc()'s initWithTagSchemes:{current application's NSLinguisticTagSchemeLanguage} options:0
theTagger's setString:theString
set languageID to theTagger's tagAtIndex:0 |scheme|:(current application's NSLinguisticTagSchemeLanguage) tokenRange:(missing value) sentenceRange:(missing value)
return ((current application's NSLocale's localeWithLocaleIdentifier:"en")'s localizedStringForLanguageCode:languageID) as text
end guessLanguageOf:
If you really want to use a found alphabet solution then the simplest method will be to use the Satimage.osax find text command.
The most recent version may be installed from here:
set _data to "Οἱ δὲ Φοίνιϰες οὗτοι οἱ σὺν Κάδμῳ ἀπιϰόμενοι.. ἐσήγαγον διδασϰάλια ἐς τοὺς ῞Ελληνας ϰαὶ δὴ ϰαὶ γράμματα, οὐϰ ἐόντα πρὶν ῞Ελλησι ὡς ἐμοὶ δοϰέειν, πρῶτα μὲν τοῖσι ϰαὶ ἅπαντες"
set foundGreek to fnd("(α|β|γ|δ|ε|ζ|η|θ|ι|κ|λ|μ|ν|ξ|ό|о|π|ρ|ς|Ύ|φ|χ|ψaω)+", _data, true, true) of me
on fnd(_find, _data, _all, strRslt)
find text _find in _data all occurrences _all string result strRslt with regexp without case sensitive
on error
return false
end try
end fnd
This will produce a list of found contiguous strings of Greek letters.