Re: Absolutely perplexed!!
Re: Absolutely perplexed!!
- Subject: Re: Absolutely perplexed!!
- From: Brian Christmas <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2017 15:40:45 +1000
Thanks again Shane.
I tried your code on my amended .plist saving, and got errors, so I reverted to
my shorter original version.
I methodically worked my way throught every setting of my Set-up Window, and
they all saved OK, using your script, UNTIL I STARTED ON THE 3 EMAIL TABLES
last of all.
Straight away I got errors in the second line of your code, so I commented it
out, and then got errors in the third line.
I then removed all the entries in the 3 email tables, and created new entries
with just the first column, a check box cell, ticked, and your code worked
I then typed some single, simple words into the actual email text cell, in the
2nd column, (3rd column in 3rd table), and the code errored.
Here’s the two errors, and the code, if the length passes acceptance in posting.
testing Shane’s script The data couldn’t be written because of an error for
the data. number -2700 p=101
2nd line commented out.
testing Shane’s script missing value doesn’t understand the
“writeToFile_options_error_” message number -1708 p = 102
Should I not be using a text cell for the email addresses? It was fine before!
BRAINWAVE:::: Immediately I wrote the last line, I dragged three new text cells
into each column, and damn it, everythings now FINE!!!
Apple must have altered their code to change the behaviour of old and new text
cells, and I’ve just searched, and cannot find any notification.
Shane, I NEVER would have thought of this without your suggested alterations,
and my resultant trying to isolate what the hell was going on. So thank you
on saveTheGeneralData()
# Set the actual email addresses
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path
of (my mailManagerDesktopFolderPath)
end try
my openAndPreparetheTempEMailData:me
end try
set (my theBusinessName) to (my theBusinessName) as text
end try
# Set up Emails
set emailText1Array to (table1ArrayController's
arrangedObjects()) as list
#tell application "System Events" to display dialog
(count of (emailText1Array)) & return & emailAddressOne of item 1 of
emailText1Array as text -- returns '1', '2', etc
on error errmsg number errnum
if (my runForOz) then say "Array controller 1"
set emailText1Array to {}
tell application "System Events" to display dialog
("saveTheGeneralData 1 " & errmsg as text) giving up after 20
end try
set emailText2Array to (table2ArrayController's
arrangedObjects()) as list
on error errmsg number errnum
if (my runForOz) then say "Array controller 2"
set emailText2Array to {}
tell application "System Events" to display dialog
("saveTheGeneralData 2 " & errmsg as text) giving up after 20
end try
set emailText3Array to (table3ArrayController's
arrangedObjects()) as list
on error errmsg number errnum
if (my runForOz) then say "Array controller 3"
set emailText3Array to {}
tell application "System Events" to display dialog
("saveTheGeneralData 3 " & errmsg as text) giving up after 20
end try
set mailDict to current application's NSDictionary's
emailText1Key:emailText1Array, emailText2Key:emailText2Array,
# tell application "System Events" to display dialog
((count of (mailDict)) & return & mailAddressesMainError as text) & return &
emailAddressOne of item 1 of emailText1Array & return & emailAddressTwo of item
1 of emailText2Array & return & emailAddressThree of item 1 of emailText3Array
as text -- returns '1', '2', etc
on error errmsg number errnum
tell application "System Events" to display dialog
"saveTheGeneralData set mailDict " & errmsg & return & return & "It appears you
have not yet set all the Email recipients. " & errmsg giving up after 20
end try
set lastReceivedemailsListList to
emailListArrayController's arrangedObjects() as list
on error errmsg number errnum
set lastReceivedemailsListList to {}
my displayError("saveTheGeneralData 4 " & errmsg as
end try
set theLastMidnightCheckerStoreNSDate to my
on error errmsg number errnum
set theLastMidnightCheckerStoreNSDate to my
makeNSDateFrom:((current date) - days)
end try
set minutes of my specialReportSentTime to 0
set seconds of my specialReportSentTime to 0
set theLastSpecialReportStoreNSDate to my
on error errmsg number errnum
set theLastSpecialReportStoreNSDate to my
makeNSDateFrom:((current date) - days)
end try
set numbersDict to current application's NSDictionary's
on error errmsg number errnum
my displayError("saveTheGeneralData set numbersDict "
& errmsg as text)
end try
set theNSPreviousSunday to my makeNSDateFrom:(my
on error errmsg number errnum
set theNSPreviousSunday to my makeNSDateFrom:(current
end try
set minutes of (my hourlyReportsDateKeeper) to 0
set seconds of (my hourlyReportsDateKeeper) to 0
set theNShourlyReportsDateKeeper to my
on error errmsg number errnum
set c to current date
set minutes of c to 0
set seconds of c to 0
set theNShourlyReportsDateKeeper to my makeNSDateFrom:c
end try
set specialReportSetterTitle to
PopUpButtonSpecialReport's title()
on error errmsg number errnum
set specialReportSetterTitle to "<None>"
end try
if (count of (my hourlyReports)) = 0 then set (my
hourlyReports) to {"None"}
end try
set myDict to current application's NSDictionary's
dictionaryWithObjects:{mailDict, theBusinessName, theServerDisk,
serverBackupState, hourlyReports, theCoverPagePrinter, theSmallPaperList,
theLargePagePrinter, theLargePaperList, sayEveryErrorMessage, rtfdPapersize,
largePapersize, voiceSetter, emailsMaxRetrievable, lastReceivedemailsListList,
interarchyActivator, saveLocalftpArchiveOnserver,
theLastMidnightCheckerStoreNSDate, emailsToChooseFromSortDefiner, numbersDict,
theNShourlyReportsDateKeeper, theNSPreviousSunday, specialReportSetterTitle,
theLastSpecialReportStoreNSDate, ignoreGraphicConverterCount,
checkInterarchyEvery, theMainEmailAddress, includeCompressedExcelSpreadSheet,
maxBarcodeCharacters, printGCToA4Test, barcodeSize, dontPrintSignatures,
SendErrorMessage, SendSalesErrorMessage, shutDownCycle, errorsListDisplay,
eMailAddressesList, printBarcodes, replaceMissingFonts, activateInDesign,
AcrobatOverlap, printWithQuark, cropBoxError, cropBoxErrordpi,
salesAddressKeeperStore, printEveryImage, eMailAddressesListButton,
theGCPosition, saveToAccountancy, saveToAccountancyPath}
forKeys:{"mailDictKey", "theBusinessNameKey", "sFKey", "serverBackupStateKey",
"hourlyReportsKey", "theCoverPagePrinterKey", "theSmallPaperListKey",
"theLargePagePrinterKey", "theLargePaperListKey", "sayEveryErrorMessageKey",
"rtfdPapersizeKey", "largePapersizeKey", "voiceSetterKey",
"emailsMaxRetrievableKey", "lastReceivedemailsListKey",
"interarchyActivatorKey", "saveLocalftpArchiveOnserverKey",
"theLastMidnightCheckerStoreNSDateKey", "emailsToChooseFromSortDefinerKey",
"numbersDictKey", "hourlyReportsDateKeeperKey", "thePreviousSundayKey",
"specialReportSetterKey", "theLastSpecialReportStoreNSDateKey",
"ignoreGraphicConverterCountKey", "checkInterarchyEveryKey",
"theMainEmailAddressKey", "includeCompressedExcelSpreadSheetKey",
"maxBarcodeCharactersKey", "printGCToA4TestKey", "barcodeSizeKey",
"dontPrintSignaturesKey", "SendErrorMessageKey", "SendSalesErrorMessageKey",
"shutDownCycleKey", "errorsListDisplayKey", "eMailAddressesListKey",
"printBarcodesKey", "replaceMissingFontsKey", "activateInDesignKey",
"AcrobatOverlapKey", "printWithQuarkKey", "cropBoxErrorKey",
"cropBoxErrordpiKey", "salesAddressKeeperStoreKey", "printEveryImageKey",
"eMailAddressesListButtonKey", "theGCPositionKey", "saveToAccountancy",
if (my runForOz) then say "my dict set"
on error errmsg number errnum
tell application "System Events" to display dialog
"Setting myDict " & errmsg
end try
set thePPath to POSIX path of ((path to desktop as
text) & "Mail Manager Folder:General Data.plist")
on error errmsg number errnum
tell application "System Events" to display dialog
"Setting thePPath " & errmsg
end try
set thePath to ((path to desktop as text) & "Mail Manager
Folder:General Data.plist")
set p to 100
set {theData, theError} to current application's
NSPropertyListSerialization's dataWithPropertyList:myDict format:(current
application's NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0) options:0 |error|:(reference)
set p to 101
#if theData = missing value then error theError's
localizedDescription() as text
set p to 102
set {theResult, theError} to theData's
writeToFile:thePPath options:(current application's NSDataWritingAtomic)
set p to 103
if not theResult as boolean then error theError's
localizedDescription() as text
on error errmsg number errnum
tell application "System Events" to display dialog
"testing Shane's script " & errmsg & " numberr " & errnum & " p = " & p giving
up after 20
end try
end saveTheGeneralData
> On 12 Aug 2017, at 12:12 pm, Shane Stanley <email@hidden> wrote:
> On 12 Aug 2017, at 11:56 am, Brian Christmas <email@hidden
> <mailto:email@hidden>> wrote:
>> If I’ve got your code working correctly
> The code is for writing a property list file -- that's what "writeToFile"
> means. So you use it *instead* of dicking around with System Events. The
> variable theDictionary in my sample represents the actual data you want to
> save -- it can be a dictionary, record, list, array -- whatever you want to
> save. In your original example it probably means you want to use numbersDict,
> but I'm not sure because I can't follow your code.
> --
> Shane Stanley <email@hidden <mailto:email@hidden>>
> <
> <>>, <
> <>>
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