Le 7 févr. 2017 à 03:30, Christopher Stone < email@hidden> a écrit :
Hey Folks,
I've always hated Apple's Numbers and preferred Microsoft Excel.
But – I needed to script a solution for someone in Numbers and have been fiddling with it over the last couple of days. I think it's improved enough that I no longer hate it, but I don't think I'll prefer it to Excel anytime soon.
That said – I cannot for the life of me figure out how to select a cell in table 1 of document 1 with just the keyboard.
This is never a problem in Excel – there is always a selection – and Ctrl (or Cmd) + Home will get you to row 1 cell 1 in a hurry.
Perhaps someone knows how to do this in Numbers, but I went through all the keyboard shortcuts in the help and couldn't find a way.
This was driving me batty a few hours ago, so I wrote a script to select the first row of table 1 (or alternatively the first cell of that first row).
After giving it a keyboard shortcut with FastScripts I'm in a much better mood. :)
---------------------------------------------------------------- # Auth: Christopher Stone # dCre: 2017/02/06 20:00 # dMod: 2017/02/06 20:17 # Appl: Numbers # Task: Select Cell 1 or Row 1 of Table 1 # Libs: None # Osax: None # Tags: @Applescript, @Script, @Numbers, @Select, @Cell, @Table ----------------------------------------------------------------
tell application "Numbers" if document 1 exists then tell document 1 tell active sheet if table 1 exists then tell table 1 # Select first cell of first row of table 1: set selection range to cell 1 of row 1 # Select first row of table 1: # set selection range to row 1 end tell end if end tell end tell end if end tell
In Numbers we can't guarantee that something is selected in a table because a sheet may contain different objects : tables of course but also text boxes, pictures, charts.
Below is a short script allowing us to navigate between tables. If there is nothing selected in a table, it selects cell A1 of table 1 If there is something selected in a table, it jumps to cell A1 of the next table in the list of tables.
Just for info, when an item is selected in a table numerous shortcuts are available to navigate in the table.
tell application "Numbers" if document 1 exists then tell document 1 to tell active sheet set theTables to every table try set currentTable to first table whose selection range's class is range on error errMsg number errNbr if errNbr = -1719 then set currentTable to false else error errMsg number errNbr end if end try
if currentTable is false then set newIndex to 1 else set currentIndex to 0 repeat with aTable in theTables set currentIndex to currentIndex + 1 if contents of aTable is currentTable then set newIndex to currentIndex + 1 if newIndex > (count theTables) then set newIndex to 1 exit repeat end if end repeat end if
tell (item newIndex of theTables) set selection range to range "A1" end tell end tell end if # document 1 exists end tell # Numbers
Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.3 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 7 février 2017 19:20:21