Thank you everyone for the tips.
I am actually trying to re-cycle the folder action script every minute, from within itself.
I needed to explicitly address the ‘on run’ handler’, to bypass the intial handler called by the triggering of the folder action.
I found that writing the ftp folder details to a .dat file was very unreliable, often Sierra would throw a ‘you don’t have permission’ error, even after I’d already written to the file, and erased it.
So, every minute, new handlers check every ftp folder for newly added downloaded ftp transfer files, and try and write to the .dat file if any are found.
It just persists in trying. Won’t write to the file on one pass, a minute later it will.
I solved the 'call on run’ by using an alias. An applescript I wrote to try and address the Appplescript file kept adding a colon on the file path, even when I wasn’t using an alias. So…
do shell script "sleep 60&&/usr/bin/osascript -e 'run script (((path to Folder Action scripts folder from user domain as text ) & \"ftp Downloader.scpt\" as text) as alias)' "
Remember, the above code is embedded within the script being called, and runs just before it quits.
Thanks again. Lots learnt from your help.