I edited slightly the original code and added some comments.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tell application "Contacts"
tell group "Famille"
set phoneNumList to value of every phone of every person
end tell
end tell
phoneNumList / 0 # Issue an error message
on error e
# Here e is the error message
"Impossible de convertir {{\"0645914322\"}, {}, {\"06 46 60 33 66\", \"06 45 24 95 66\"}, {\"00 (1) 605 532 66 23\"}, {}, {}, {\"06 26 19 63 14\"}, {\"02 33 66 53 15\", \"06 32 26 56 10\"}, {\"06 92 09 96 92\"}, {\"06 93 63 96 40\", \"06 26 13 60 65\"}, {}, {}, {\"03 56 96 96 04\", \"06 61 55 31 60\"}, {\"01 66 62 11 15\", \"06 10 01 05 00\"}, {\"06 93 44 06 62\"}, {\"06 55 60 09 66\"}, {\"01 65 51 29 06\", \"06 26 61 53 43\", \"01 36 56 56 50\"}, {}, {}, {\"06 46 52 05 29\"}, {\"06 49 56 09 39\"}, {\"02 33 04 93 94\"}} en type real."
set shCMD to "echo " & quoted form of e & " | tr '\"' '\\n' | sed -En '/[0-9]/p'"
# The command will extract the phone numbers from the error message
set phoneNumList to paragraphs of (do shell script shCMD)
end try
It behaves flawlessly.
Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 5 janvier 2017 19:44:42