tell application "Contacts"
tell group "Family"
set phoneNumList to value of every phone of every person
end tell
end tell
Wow, Chris, that’s nice! Short and sweet. And if it’s faster than looping, that’s even better. :)
However, I can’t figure out the following section.
phoneNumList / 0
on error e
set phoneNumList to e
set shCMD to "echo " &
quoted form of phoneNumList &
" | tr '\"' '\\n' | sed -En '/[0-9]/p'" set phoneNumList to do shell script shCMD
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
set phoneNumList to text items of phoneNumList
end try
Are you forcing a division by zero to cause an error? If so, what is the benefit of that over just grabbing the list and iterating over it?
What is shCMD trying to do? I’m more familiar with Perl than with sed.
Also, set phoneNumList to e gives me the following error:
Can’t make {{"2125551212", "2347771556"}, {"(360) 740-8587", "8889992222"}} into type real.