In case anyones wants too know, here’s how add text boxes to PDF’s in Acrobat.
# This handler uses _javascript_
on Add_WaterMarkText_(temp)
local cName, cText, cFont, nFontSize, nS, nE, nTA, nHorizontalAlignment, nVerticalAlignment, nHorizontalWidth, nVerticalHeight, nR, currentPage
set p to 1
set {cName, cText, cFont, nFontSize, nS, nE, nTA, nHorizontalAlignment, nVerticalAlignment, nHorizontalWidth, nVerticalHeight, nR, currentPage} to temp as list
set p to 2
set Params to "" as text
set p to 3
set Params to Params & "var f = this.addField(\"" & cName & "\", " & "\"" & "text" & "\", " & currentPage - 1 & ", [" & nHorizontalAlignment & ", " & nVerticalAlignment & ", " & nHorizontalAlignment + nHorizontalWidth & ", " & nVerticalAlignment - nVerticalHeight & "]" & ");" & return as text
set p to 4
set Params to Params & "f.value = \"" & cText & "\";" & return as text
set p to 5
set Params to Params & "f.userName = \"" & cName & "\";" & return as text
set p to 6
set Params to Params & "f.textSize = " & nFontSize & ";" & return as text
set p to 7
set Params to Params & "f.textFont = \"" & cFont & "\";" & return as text
set p to 8
set Params to Params & "f.alignment = \"" & "left" & "\";" & return as text
set p to 9
set Params to Params & "f.multiline = false;" & return as text
set p to 10
set Params to Params & "f.lineWidth = 0;" & return as text
set p to 11
set Params to Params & "f.display = display.visible;" & return as text
set p to 12
set Params to Params & "f.textColor =;" & return as text
# set _javascript_ to Params
on error errmsg
set temp to "Add_WaterMarkText error " & errmsg & " Text is " & cText as text
my writeFile4("MMErrorsList", (temp & return & return as text))
tell application "System Events" to display dialog temp giving up after 20
# if RunForOz then tell application "System Events" to display dialog temp giving up after 36000
end try
return Params as text
end Add_WaterMarkText_