new AutoAPOD broke
new AutoAPOD broke
- Subject: new AutoAPOD broke
- From: Robert Poland <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 16:05:41 -0700
- Z-usanet-msgid: XID713VaJXFQ1056X33
Excuse the long message, but I don't know where to truncate it.
I have been using the script (below) for almost 7 years and now it fails, since about the first of the year.
Reports that "" is unavailable, but I can access it directly from Safari.
I would appreciate help.
(* new AutoAPOD - 10/1/04 - from Johnny AppleScript <email@hidden> *)
on run
end run
on main()
try -- exit gracefully if script won't run
set test to false -- false disables dialogs
set {y, m, d} to {year, month, day} of (current date)
set flag to quoted form of (y & " " & m & " " & d as string) --> "2004 September 26"
set yn to y as text --> "2004"
set yn to characters -2 thru -1 in yn as string --> "04"
set mn to (m as number) as text --> "9"
if number of characters in mn < 2 then set mn to "0" & mn --> "09"
set dn to d as text --> ex.: "6"
if number of characters in dn < 2 then set dn to "0" & dn --> ex.: "06"
set pFlag to yn & mn --> "0409"
set dateTAG to pFlag & dn --> "040926"
set rootURL to ""
set archiveEXT to "archivepix.html"
-- - 2004 September 26
set APOD to do shell script "curl " & rootURL & archiveEXT & " | grep " & flag
on error
-- if test then
display dialog "1, APOD Image Retriever: " & return & rootURL & return & "is currently unavailable. Please try again later." buttons {"Poopy"} default button 1 giving up after 5 with icon 2
end try
set leadTAG to "<a href=\""
set trailingTAG to "\">"
set leadTAG1 to (offset of leadTAG in APOD)
set trailingTAG1 to (offset of trailingTAG in APOD)
set apodEXT to characters (leadTAG1 + 9) thru (trailingTAG1 - 1) in APOD as string
-- set apodName to characters (trailingTAG1 + 2) thru -9 in APOD as string
set curAPOD to do shell script "curl " & rootURL & apodEXT & " | grep href | grep jpg | grep " & pFlag -- Doh! What if it's a GIF?
on error errMsg
set curAPOD to do shell script "curl " & rootURL & apodEXT & " | grep href | grep gif | grep " & pFlag
-- this method is bound to fail. We need a better analysis; can you think of one?
on error
if test then display dialog "2, APOD Image Retriever: locate daily image failed: " & errMsg with icon 0 -- giving up after 15
end try
end try
set leadTAG2 to (offset of leadTAG in curAPOD) -- using a different flag length than above
set trailingTAG2 to (offset of trailingTAG in curAPOD) -- using a different flag length than above
set imageEXT to characters (leadTAG2 + 9) thru (trailingTAG2 - 1) in curAPOD as string
set filename to reverse of every character of imageEXT as string
set filename to reverse of every character of (characters 1 thru ((offset of "/" in filename) - 1) in filename as string) as string
set filename to dateTAG & "-" & filename -- let's add today's date string to the prefix for our own archives
set imageURL to rootURL & imageEXT
set folderName to "APOD ƒ"
set destinationFolder to ((path to pictures folder) & folderName & ":" as string) -- we'll need to use this path more than once, so let's give it a unique variable name
tell application "Finder" to set dfExists to (exists folder destinationFolder)
if dfExists is false then tell application "Finder" to make new folder at (path to pictures folder) with properties {name:folderName}
set filePath to POSIX path of destinationFolder -- here's the first use; we need a UNIX-style path string; i.e., /Users/bob/Pictures/
set ThePicture to ((destinationFolder & filename) as string) -- here's the second use; we need and HFS-style path string; i.e., :Users:bob:Pictures:file_name
tell application "Finder" to set downloadOption to (exists file ThePicture)
if downloadOption is false then
set getImage to "curl " & imageURL & " -o " & "\"" & filePath & filename & "\""
do shell script getImage
on error errMsg
if test then display dialog "3, APOD Image Retriever: download failed: " & errMsg with icon 0 -- giving up after 15
end try
-- set desktopSet to button returned of (display dialog "Set image as desktop?" buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button 1 with icon 1 giving up after 10)
set ThePicture to ThePicture as alias -- need to make a file path string into an object Finder can recognize
-- if desktopSet is "Yes" then
tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to ThePicture
on error errMsg
if test then display dialog "5, " & return & errMsg with icon 0 -- giving up after 15
end try
-- end if
ignoring application responses
# say "autopod im age already downloaded"
end ignoring
end if
on error errMsg
end try
end main
on delay delayTime
set theRepeat to delayTime * 10 div 1
repeat theRepeat times
do shell script "sleep 0.1"
end repeat
on error
repeat 10 times # default time - 1 second
do shell script "sleep 0.1"
end repeat
end try
end delay
Robert Poland
Fort Collins, CO
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