G’day, & thanks David
I’ve been avidly researching _javascript_, and think I have a solution that SHOULD work (but darnwell errors).
It uses a POSIX path, but gives an error error "The variable i is not defined." number -2753 from "i”
This error occurrs in the save line, where the ‘& (i + 1) &” is located.
Also, it’s as tho the variable dEnd isn’t being set. The line set Params to Params & "alert(dEnd );" & return as text does nothing.
The command 'this.numPages’ still seems to be valid in 2017, so I’m presuming somehow the script needs to address or ‘lock on’ to the document, but cannot find anything, and I’ve searched for quite a while.
I’ll post this on the _javascript_ site, but they’re proving to not be as helpful asApplescript users. Regards
tell application "Adobe Acrobat" activate #tell document 1 set Params to "" set Params to Params & "var cFlName = this.documentFileName;" & return as text set Params to Params & "var dEnd = this.numPages-1;" & return as text set Params to Params & "alert(dEnd );" & return as text set Params to Params & "for (i = 0; i <= dEnd-1; i+ );" & return & "{" set Params to Params & "var _oNewDoc_ = this.extractPages(i,i);" & return as text set Params to Params & "oNewDoc.saveAs : ~/Desktop" & "/" & "\"" & "Temporary Acrobat TIFFS" & "\"" & "/" & "\"Page " & "\"" & (i + 1) & " \"" & "\"" & cFlName & "\"" & " using: " & "\"" & ".pdf" & "\"; " & return & "}" as text set Params to Params & "var this.closeDoc(false);" as text do script Params #end tell end tell
On 11 Jan 2017, at 3:58 pm, David Crowe < email@hidden> wrote:
I see that you are using Acrobat _javascript_. I convert my OSX paths into POSIX:
set RootFolderOSX to (choose folder with prompt "Select root folder") set RootFolder to POSIX path of RootFolderOSX - David Crowe