I use this script with El Capitan...
tell application "Safari" to tell its front document set itsTitle to its name set itsURL to its URL set itsText to its text end tell
tell application "Mail" set someContent to "From: " & itsURL & return & return & return & itsText set thisMessage to make new outgoing message ¬ at end of outgoing messages ¬ with properties {content:someContent, subject:itsTitle, visible:true} end tell
...to copy an article's text into an email message without the ads, pop-ups, movies, pictures, et cetera, so that I (and my correspondent) can read it more easily. The target message begins with a citation for where it came from. (Scholarly, eh?)
If I plan to send it, I will add a recipient, edit the Subject, then delete all extraneous text. I also might drag over a pertinent picture or two and maybe preface the message with my comments. I sometimes edit the article for text coding artifacts, spelling or grammar.
I also like to "activate" the citation URL: Select it, then ⌘C, ⌘K, ⌘V and Return. That turns it blue, so that the recipient can click it to view the website directly.
Any ideas how I can "activate the URL" within the script?
--Gil |