modification date (date, r/o) : when the contact was last modified.
creation date (date, r/o) : when the contact was created.
person n, pl people [inh.
entry] :
A person in the address book database. elements
nickname (text or missing value) : The Nickname of this person.
organization (text or missing value) : Organization that employs this person.
maiden name (text or missing value) : The Maiden name of this person.
suffix (text or missing value) : The Suffix of this person.
vcard (text or missing value, r/o) : Person information in vCard format, this always returns a card in version 3.0 format.
home page (text or missing value) : The home page of this person.
birth date (date or missing value) : The birth date of this person.
phonetic last name (text or missing value) : The phonetic version of the Last name of this person.
title (text or missing value) : The title of this person.
phonetic middle name (text or missing value) : The Phonetic version of the Middle name of this person.
department (text or missing value) : Department that this person works for.
name (text, r/o) : First/Last name of the person, uses the name display order preference setting in Address Book.
note (text or missing value) : Notes for this person.
company (boolean) : Is the current record a company or a person.
middle name (text or missing value) : The Middle name of this person.
phonetic first name (text or missing value) : The phonetic version of the First name of this person.
job title (text or missing value) : The job title of this person.
last name (text or missing value) : The Last name of this person.
first name (text or missing value) : The First name of this person.
responds to
inherited from entry
modification date (date, r/o) : when the contact was last modified.
creation date (date, r/o) : when the contact was created.
id (text, r/o) : unique and persistent identifier for this record.
selected (boolean) : Is the entry selected?